Barcelona Metro line 10
(Redirected from Barcelona metro line 10)
Line 10 (La Sagrera - Gorg and ZAL | Riu Vell - Collblanc) is the name of one of the two branches of the Barcelona metro extension line 9, currently under construction and to be operated by TMB.

[change | change source]It links the Zona Franca with Badalona, through Barcelona proper, sharing a good deal of the area covered by L9. L9/10 will be the deepest line in the network, and the longest line in Europe. Originally expected to be ready by 2008, ongoing problems with its construction are going to delay its completion until as late as 2013.
List of stations
[change | change source](Keep in mind all of them are currently under construction)
Zona Franca area
- Polígon Pratenc
- Zona Franca ZAL
- Zona Franca Port
- Zona Franca Litoral
- Motors
- Foc Cisell (L2)
- Foneria
- Ildefons Cerdà (L8)
- Provençana
Central branch, shared with L9
- Can Tries
- Torrassa (L1, RENFE)
- Collblanc (L5)
- Campus Sud (T1, T2, T3)
- Zona Universitària (L3)
- Campus Nord
- Manuel Girona
- Prat de la Riba
- Sarrià (L6)
- Mandrí
- El Putxet (L7)
- Lesseps (L3)
- Muntanya
- Sanllehy
- Guinardó (L4)
- Maragall
- Sagrera-Meridiana (L1, L4, RENFE)
- Estació de la Sagrera (L4, RENFE-AVE)
- Onze de Setembre
- Bon Pastor
Besòs area