This box shows the color blue. |

Blue is one of the colors of the rainbow that people can see. It is one of the primary colors (colors that can be mixed with other colors) of light, along with red and green. Apart from indigo and violet, it has the shortest wavelength of colors in the rainbow (about 470 nanometers).
Blue paint can be made by mixing magenta and cyan paint.
Blue is the color of the Earth's sky and sea. Earth looks blue when seen from outer space by astronauts.
It is the color of cold, introversion and openness, by opposition to the red, which is the color of warm, extroversion and the closure. In alchemy, blue is also the color of the warm introvert (blue fire), by opposition to the red, which is the color of the warm extrovert (red fire).
Blue is usually associated with masculinity, harmony, conservatism, liberalism, the cold, sadness, calmness and royalty.
Meaning of blue
[change | change source]The color blue is sometimes associated with sadness, which may be where the name of the music style The Blues comes from. Blue is a color of the Jewish religion. In Western cultures since the 1940s, blue is associated with men/boys, while pink is associated with women/girls. Before the 1940s, it was the other way around in some countries, so blue was for women/girls and pink was for men/boys. Nobody knows exactly why it changed.[1][2]
Comparison of green, teal, blue and ultramarine
[change | change source]Name | Color | HEX Code | Red | Green | Blue | Hue | Sat | Lum |
Bright Blue | #0096FF | 0 | 150 | 255 | 205° | 100% | 100% | |
Royal Blue | #4169E1 | 65 | 105 | 225 | 225° | 71% | 88% | |
Blue | #0000FF | 0 | 0 | 255 | 240° | 100% | 100% | |
Ultramarine (Electric Ultramarine) | #3F00FF | 63 | 0 | 255 | 255° | 100% | 100% |
Comparison of blue, indigo, violet and purple
[change | change source]Name | Color | HEX Code | Red | Green | Blue | Hue | Sat | Lum |
Blue | #0000FF | 0 | 0 | 255 | 240° | 100% | 100% | |
Indigo (Electric Indigo) | #6F00FF | 111 | 0 | 255 | 266° | 100% | 100% | |
Violet (Color Wheel) (Near Violet) | #7F00FF | 127 | 0 | 255 | 270° | 100% | 100% | |
Violet (Electric Violet) (Middle Violet) (Blue Purple) | #8F00FF | 143 | 0 | 255 | 274° | 100% | 100% | |
Vivid Violet (Extreme Violet) | #9F00FF | 159 | 0 | 255 | 277° | 100% | 100% | |
Purple | #800080 | 128 | 0 | 128 | 300° | 100% | 50% |
Tones of blue color comparison chart
[change | change source]Azure Mist (web color: Azure) (Hex: #F0FFFF) (RGB: 240, 255, 255) |
Alice Blue (web color) (Hex: #F0F8FF) (RGB: 240, 248, 255) |
Bubbles ( Color List) (Hex: #E7FEFF) (RGB: 231, 254, 255) |
Light Cyan (Hex: #E0FFFF) (RGB: 244, 255, 255) |
Powder Blue (Hex: #9EB9D4) (RGB: 158, 185, 212) |
Lavender Mist (web color: Lavender) (Hex: #E6E6FA) (RGB: 230, 230, 250) |
Periwinkle (Lavender Blue) (Pastel Indigo) (Hex: #CCCCFF) (RGB: 204, 204, 255) |
Pale Blue (web color) (Hex: #B0E0E6) (RGB: 176, 224, 230) |
Light Blue (Hex: #ADD8E6) (RGB: 173, 216, 230) |
Ultra Blue (Crayola: Blizzard Blue) (Hex: #ACE5EE) (RGB: 172, 229, 238) |
Baby Blue (Hex: 89CFF0) (RGB: 137, 207, 240) |
Light Sky Blue (web color) (Hex: #87CEFA) (RGB: 135, 196, 250) |
Sky Blue (web color) (Hex: #87CEEB) (RGB: 135, 206, 235) |
Light Cornflower Blue (Crayola: Cornflower) (Hex: #93CCEA) (RGB: 147, 204, 234) |
Medium Sky Blue (Crayola: Sky Blue) (Hex: #76D7EA) (RGB: 118, 215, 234) |
Aquamarine Blue (Crayola: Aquamarine) (Hex: #71D9E2) (RGB: 113, 217, 226) |
Aquamarine (web color) (Hex: #7FFFD4) (RGB: 127, 255, 212) |
Electric Blue (Hex: #7DF9FF) (RGB: 125, 249, 255) |
Cyan (web color Aqua) (Electric Cyan) (Hex: #00FFFF) (RGB: 0, 255, 255) |
Turquoise Blue (Hex: #00FFEF) (RGB: 0, 255, 239) |
Bright Turquoise (Hex: #08E8DE) (RGB: 8, 232, 222) |
Turquoise (web color) (Hex: #40E0D0) (RGB: 64, 224, 208) |
Capri (web color: Deep Sky Blue) (Hex: #00BFFF) (RGB: 0, 191, 255) |
Process Cyan (Pigment Cyan) (Printer's Cyan)(Deep Aqua) (Hex: #00B7EB) (RGB: 0, 180, 247) |
Ukrainian Azure (color of Ukrainian Flag) (Hex: #42ADDE) (RGB: 66, 173, 222) |
United Nations Blue (United Nations Azure) (Hex: #5B92E5) (RGB: 91, 146, 229) |
Cornflower Blue (web color) (Hex: #6495ED) (RGB: 100, 149, 237) |
Bright Cerulean (Crayola: Cerulean) (Hex: #02A4D3) (RGB: 2, 164, 211) |
Bondi Blue (Crayola: Blue-Green) (Hex: #0095B6) (RGB: 0, 149, 182) |
Rich Electric Blue (Hex: #0892D0) (RGB: 8, 146, 208) |
Cerulean (Hex: #007BA7) (RGB: 0, 123, 167) |
Teal (web color) (Hex: #008080) (RGB: 0, 128, 128) |
Teal Blue (Hex: #367588) (RGB: 54, 117, 136) |
Steel Blue (web color) (Hex: #4682B4) (RGB: 70, 130, 180) |
Air Force Blue (Hex: #5D8AA8) (RGB: 93, 138, 168) |
Blue-gray (Hex: #506D8A) (RGB: 80, 109, 138) |
Agate Blue (Hex: #44719B) (RGB: 68, 113, 155) |
Medium Persian Blue (Hex: #0067A5) (RGB: 0, 103, 165) |
Swedish Azure (color of Swedish flag) (Hex: #005B99) (RGB: 0, 91, 153) |
Indigo Dye (Hex: #1A5798) (RGB: 17, 80, 147) |
Bright Indigo (Crayola: Indigo) (Hex: #4F69C6) (RGB: 79, 105, 198) |
Royal Blue (web color) (Hex: #4169E1) (RGB: 65, 105, 225) |
Dodger Blue (web color) (Hex: #1E90FF) (RGB: 30, 144, 255) |
Azure (Hex: #007FFF) (RGB: 0, 127, 255) |
Deep Azure (Crayola: Blue) (Hex: #0066FF) (RGB: 0, 102, 255) |
Blue (Hex: #0000FF) (RGB: 0, 0, 255) |
Cerulean Blue (Hex: #2A52BE) (RGB: 42, 82, 190) |
Denim (Hex: #1560bd) (RGB: 21, 96, 189) |
Medium Navy Blue (Crayola: Navy Blue) (Hex: #0066CC) (RGB: 0, 102, 204) |
Sapphire (Maerz and Paul) (Hex: #0F52BA) (RGB: 15, 82, 186) |
Medium Electric Blue (Hex: #035096) (RGB: 3, 80, 150) |
Cobalt Blue (Hex: #0047AB) (RGB: 0, 71, 171) |
Persian Blue (Hex: #1C39BB) (RGB: 28, 57, 187) |
Azul (Hex: #002BB8) (RGB: 0, 43, 184) |
Medium Blue (web color) (Hex: #0000CD) (RGB: 0, 0, 205) |
Han Blue (Hex: #446CCF) (RGB: 68, 108, 207) |
Electric Ultramarine (Hex: #3F00FF) (RGB: 63, 0, 255) |
Westminster (Hex: #5F00FF) (RGB: 95, 0, 255) |
Indigo (Electric Indigo) (Hex: #6600FF) (RGB: 102, 0, 255) |
Medium Slate Blue (web color) (Hex: #7B68EE) (RGB: 123, 104, 238) |
Deep Lavender (web color Medium Purple) (Hex: #9370DB) (RGB: 147, 112, 219) |
Lavender (Hex: #B57EDC) (RGB: 181, 126, 220) |
Lavender Indigo (Hex: #9457EB) (RGB: 148, 87, 235) |
Deep Indigo (web color: Blue-Violet) (Hex: #8A2BE2) (RGB: 138, 43, 226) |
Pigment Indigo (web color: Indigo) (Hex: #4B0082) (RGB: 75, 0, 130) |
Persian Indigo (Regimental) (Hex: #32127A) (RGB: 50, 18, 122) |
Dark Azure (Pantone Blue #286) (Hex: #0038A8) (RGB: 0, 56, 168) |
International Klein Blue (Hex: #002FA7) (RGB: 0, 47, 167) |
Dark Powder Blue (Smalt) (Hex: #003399) (RGB: 0, 51, 153) |
Ultramarine (Hex: #120A8F) (RGB: 18, 10, 143) |
Dark Blue (web color) (Hex: #00008B) (RGB: 0, 0, 139) |
Navy blue (web color Navy) (Hex: #000080) (RGB: 0, 0, 128) |
St. Patrick's Blue (Hex: #23297A) (RGB: 35, 41, 122) |
Dark Sapphire (Sapphire ( (Hex: #082567) (RGB: 8, 37, 103) |
Midnight Blue (web color) (Hex: #191970) (RGB: 25, 25, 112) |
Dark Midnight Blue (Crayola: Midnight Blue) (Hex: #003366) (RGB: 0, 51, 102) |
Prussian Blue (Berlin Blue) (Hex: #003153) (RGB: 0, 49, 83) |
Dark Indigo (Hex: #310062) (RGB: 49, 0, 98) |
Dark Electric Blue (Hex: #536878) (RGB: 83, 104, 120) |
Related pages
[change | change source]- List of colors
- Aqua
- Aquamarine
- Azure
- Blueberry
- Blue-gray
- Blue-green
- Blue-violet
- Brilliant blue
- Cerulean
- Cobalt
- Cool
- Cyan
- Denim blue
- Electric blue
- Indigo
- Navy blue
- Prussian blue
- Royale blue
- Sky blue
- Teal blue
- Ultra
- Ultramarine
[change | change source]
- ↑ Henley, Jon (12 December 2009). "The power of pink" – via
- ↑ Orenstein, Peggy (24 December 2006). "What's Wrong With Cinderella?". The New York Times.