
Diving is a form of movement downwards, either from air to ground or to water. Diving is also a sport. Diving is often done from a springboard or an elevated platform.
Underwater diving includes scuba diving. Scuba diving, however, is typically not considered a sport. Dives used for scuba diving are relatively simplistic. An example of this is a giant stride entry, also known as a stride dive.
Diving in water
[change | change source]There are six different types of dives, and four different body positions that a person can use when diving.
Types of dives
[change | change source]There are six different types of dives. Four of the types depend on whether the diver is facing towards the water or away from the water, and if they rotate towards or away from the water. The other two dives can be a part of the first four. For example, a diver can do a "inward twisting" or a "forward armstand" dive. The basic types of dives are:
- Forward – The diver faces towards the water and rotates forward.
- Backward – The diver stands with their back towards the water and rotates backwards, away from the board.
- Reverse – The diver faces towards the water and rotates backwards, towards the board.
- Inward – The diver faces away from the water and rotates forward, towards the board.
- Twisting – A twisting dive is any of the other dives in which the diver twists their body to the left or right.
- Armstand – An armstand dive is where the diver begins the dive from a handstand position. They are not standing on their feet at the beginning of this type of dive.
Body positions
[change | change source]The four different body positions are tuck, pike, straight and free.
- Tuck – The body is bent at the waist and knees. The thighs are close to the chest and the heels of the feet are close to the buttocks.
- Pike – The diver's legs are straight. Their body is bent at the waist. The position of the arms is chosen by the diver. They are often pointed towards the toes.
- Straight – There is no bend in the body at all. There could be a small arch of the back depending on the type of dive.
- Free – The free position is not an actual body position. It is where the diver uses more than one position. It is usually used when doing a dive with a somersault or a twist in it
Dive Numbers
[change | change source]Dives are put into categories, based on the Direction the dive is in, and what Position it is in.
- 100's=Forward
- 200's=Backward
- 300's=Reverse
- 400's=Inward
- A-Straight
- B-Pike
- C-Tuck
- D-Free
Every Half flip the number on the end goes up by one For example: *Front dive Tuck is a 101c
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