(Redirected from Template:Wti)
The dictionary definition of wiktionary-inline at Wiktionary
Useful in "External links" section, making a one-line navigation to Wiktionary. Not inline in the usual sense.
[change source]* {{Wiktionary-inline}}
produces a link to the Wiktionary definition of the page title. Notice: The first letter of each word is turned to lower case. Pass a parameter explicitly if it's not what you want.
* {{Wiktionary-inline|word}}
Produces a link to word on Wiktionary:
The dictionary definition of word at Wiktionary
* {{Wiktionary-inline|word|Word}}
Produces a link to word on Wiktionary, but titles the link Word:
The dictionary definition of Word at Wiktionary
Related templates
[change source]- {{Commons-inline}}
- {{Commons category-inline}}
- {{Wikiquote-inline}}