Note: After publishing, you may have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes.
- Firefox / Safari: Hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (⌘-R on a Mac)
- Google Chrome: Press Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R on a Mac)
- Edge: Hold Ctrl while clicking Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5.
// If TwinkleConfig aint exist.
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig ) == 'undefined' ) {
TwinkleConfig = {};
TwinkleConfig.summaryAd (string)
If ad should be added or not to summary, default [[WP:TWINKLE|TWINKLE]]
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig.summaryAd ) == 'undefined' ) {
TwinkleConfig.summaryAd = " ([[WP:TW|TW]])";
TwinkleConfig.markAIVReportAsMinor (boolean)
Defines if a reports to AIV should be marked as minor, if false, default is applied as per preference.
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig.markAIVReportAsMinor ) == 'undefined' ) {
TwinkleConfig.markAIVReportAsMinor = true;
TwinkleConfig.markUAAReportAsMinor (boolean)
Defines if a reports to UAA should be marked as minor, if false, default is applied as per preference.
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig.markUAAReportAsMinor ) == 'undefined' ) {
TwinkleConfig.markUAAReportAsMinor = true;
TwinkleConfig.markSockReportAsMinor (boolean)
Defines if a reports to SPI should be marked as minor, if false, default is applied as per preference.
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig.markSockReportAsMinor ) == 'undefined' ) {
TwinkleConfig.markSockReportAsMinor = true;
function num2order( num ) {
switch( num ) {
case 1: return '';
case 2: return '2nd';
case 3: return '3rd';
default: return num + 'th';
function twinklearv(){
var username;
if ( wgNamespaceNumber == 3 || wgNamespaceNumber == 2 || ( wgNamespaceNumber == -1 && wgTitle == "Contributions" )){
// If we are on the contributions page, need to parse some then
if( wgNamespaceNumber == -1 && wgTitle == "Contributions" ) {
username = decodeURIComponent(document.evaluate( 'substring-after(//div[@id="contentSub"]//a[@title="Special:Log"][last()]/@href, "user=")', document, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null).stringValue.replace( /\+/g, "%20"));
} else {
username = wgTitle.split( '/' )[0]; // only first part before any slashes
if( !username ) return;
var name = isIPAddress( username ) ? 'Report IP' : 'Report';
var title = isIPAddress( username ) ? 'Report IP to Administrators' : 'Report user to Administrators';
if (twinkleConfigExists)
twAddPortletLink( "javascript:twinklearv.callback(\"" + username.replace( /\"/g, "\\\"") + "\")", "ARV", "tw-arv", name, title );
twAddPortletLink( 'javascript:alert("Your account is too new to use Twinkle.");', 'ARV', 'tw-arv', name, title);
window.TwinkleInit = (window.TwinkleInit || []).concat( twinklearv ); //schedule initializer
twinklearv.callback = function twinklearvCallback( uid ) {
if( uid == wgUserName ){
alert( 'You don\'t want to report yourself, do you?' );
var Window = new SimpleWindow( 600, 500 );
Window.setTitle( "Reporting to Administrators" ); //Backronym
var form = new QuickForm( twinklearv.callback.evaluate );
var categories = form.append( {
type: 'select',
name: 'category',
label: 'Select report type: ',
event: twinklearv.callback.change_category
} );
categories.append( {
type: 'option',
label: 'Vandalism',
value: 'aiv'
} );
categories.append( {
type: 'option',
label: 'Username',
value: 'username'
} );
categories.append( {
type: 'option',
label: 'Sockpuppeteer',
value: 'sock'
} );
form.append( {
type: 'field',
label:'Work area',
name: 'work_area'
} );
form.append( {
type: 'hidden',
name: 'uid',
value: uid
} );
var result = form.render();
Window.setContent( result );
// We must init the
var evt = document.createEvent( "Event" );
evt.initEvent( 'change', true, true );
result.category.dispatchEvent( evt );
twinklearv.callback.change_category = function twinklearvCallbackChangeCategory(e) {
var value =;
var root =;
var old_area;
for( var i = 0; i < root.childNodes.length; ++i ) {
var node = root.childNodes[i];
node instanceof Element &&
node.getAttribute( 'name' ) == 'work_area'
) {
old_area = node;
var work_area = null;
switch( value ) {
case 'aiv':
work_area = new QuickForm.element( {
type: 'field',
label: 'Report user for vandalism',
name: 'work_area'
} );
work_area.append( {
type: 'input',
name: 'page',
label: 'Primary linked page: ',
tooltip: 'Leave blank to not link to the page in the report',
value: QueryString.exists( 'vanarticle' ) ? QueryString.get( 'vanarticle' ) : '',
event: function(e) {
var value =;
var root =;
if( value == '' ) {
root.badid.disabled = root.goodid.disabled = true;
} else {
root.badid.disabled = false;
root.goodid.disabled = root.badid.value == '';
} );
work_area.append( {
type: 'input',
name: 'badid',
label: 'Revision ID for target page when vandalised: ',
tooltip: 'Leave blank for no diff link',
value: QueryString.exists( 'vanarticlerevid' ) ? QueryString.get( 'vanarticlerevid' ) : '',
disabled: !QueryString.exists( 'vanarticle' ),
event: function(e) {
var value =;
var root =;
root.goodid.disabled = value == '';
} );
work_area.append( {
type: 'input',
name: 'goodid',
label: 'Last good revision ID before vandalism of target page: ',
tooltip: 'Leave blank for diff link to previous revision',
value: QueryString.exists( 'vanarticlegoodrevid' ) ? QueryString.get( 'vanarticlegoodrevid' ) : '',
disabled: !QueryString.exists( 'vanarticle' ) || QueryString.exists( 'vanarticlerevid' )
} );
work_area.append( {
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'arvtype',
list: [
label: 'Vandalism after final (level 4 or 4im) warning given',
value: 'final'
label: 'Vandalism after recent (within 1 day) release of block',
value: 'postblock'
label: 'Evidently a vandalism-only account',
value: 'vandalonly',
disabled: isIPAddress( root.uid.value )
label: 'Account is evidently a spambot or a compromised account',
value: 'spambot'
label: 'Account is a promotion-only account',
value: 'promoonly'
} );
work_area.append( {
type: 'textarea',
name: 'reason',
label: 'Comment: '
} );
work_area.append( { type:'submit' } );
work_area = work_area.render();
old_area.parentNode.replaceChild( work_area, old_area );
break; //EhJJ: Proof read this far
case 'username':
work_area = new QuickForm.element( {
type: 'field',
label: 'Report username violation',
name: 'work_area'
} );
work_area.append ( {
label:'Type(s) of inappropriate username',
tooltip: 'Wikipedia does not allow usernames that are misleading, promotional, offensive or disruptive. Domain names and e-mail addresses are likewise prohibited. These criteria apply to both usernames and signatures. Usernames that are inappropriate in another language, or that represent an inappropriate name with misspellings and substitutions, or do so indirectly or by implication, are still considered inappropriate.'
} );
work_area.append( {
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'arvtype',
list: [
label: 'Misleading username',
value: 'misleading',
tooltip: 'Misleading usernames imply relevant, misleading things about the contributor. For example, misleading points of fact, an impression of undue authority, or the suggestion that the account is operated by a group, project or collective rather than one individual.'
label: 'Promotional username',
value: 'promotional',
tooltip: 'Promotional usernames are advertisements for a company or group.'
label: 'Offensive username',
value: 'offensive',
tooltip: 'Offensive usernames make harmonious editing difficult or impossible.'
label: 'Disruptive username',
value: 'disruptive',
tooltip: 'Disruptive usernames include outright trolling or personal attacks, or otherwise show a clear intent to disrupt Wikipedia.'
} );
work_area.append( {
type: 'textarea',
name: 'reason',
label: 'Comment:'
} );
work_area.append( { type:'submit' } );
work_area = work_area.render();
old_area.parentNode.replaceChild( work_area, old_area );
case 'sock':
work_area = new QuickForm.element( {
type: 'field',
label: 'Report suspected sockpuppeteer',
name: 'work_area'
} );
type: 'dyninput',
name: 'sockpuppet',
label: 'Sockpuppets',
sublabel: 'Sock: ',
tooltip: 'The username of the sockpuppet without the User:-prefix',
min: 2
work_area.append( {
type: 'textarea',
label: 'Evidence:',
name: 'evidence',
tooltip: 'Enter your evidence. It should make clear that each of these users is likely to be abusing multiple accounts. Usually this means diffs, page histories or other information that justifies why the users are a) the same and b) disruptive. This should purely be evidence and information needed to judge the matter. Avoid all other discussion that is not evidence of sockpuppetry or other multiple account abuse.'
} );
work_area.append( {
type: 'checkbox',
list: [ {
label: 'Request CheckUser evidence',
name: 'checkuser',
tooltip: 'CheckUser is a tool used to obtain technical evidence related to a sock-puppetry allegation. It will not be used without good cause, which you must clearly demonstrate. Make sure your evidence explains why CheckUser is appropriate.'
} ]
} );
work_area.append( { type:'submit' } );
work_area = work_area.render();
old_area.parentNode.replaceChild( work_area, old_area );
twinklearv.callbacks = {
aiv: function( self ) {
uid = self.params.uid;
reason = self.params.reason;
var form = self.responseXML.getElementById('editform');
if( !form ) {
self.statelem.error( 'Failed to retrieve edit form.' );
var text = form.wpTextbox1.value;
var re = new RegExp( "\\{\\{\\s*(?:(?:[Ii][Pp])?[Vv]andal|[Uu]serlinks)\\s*\\|\\s*(?:1=)?\\s*" + RegExp.escape( uid, true ) + "\\s*\\}\\}" );
var myArr;
if( ( myArr = re.exec( text ) ) ) { 'Report already present, will not add a new one' );
self.statelem.status( 'Adding new report...' );
var postData = {
'wpMinoredit': ( form.wpMinoredit.checked || TwinkleConfig.markAIVReportAsMinor ) ? '' : undefined,
'wpWatchthis': form.wpWatchthis.checked ? '' : undefined,
'wpStarttime': form.wpStarttime.value,
'wpEdittime': form.wpEdittime.value,
'wpAutoSummary': form.wpAutoSummary.value,
'wpEditToken': form.wpEditToken.value,
'wpSection': form.wpSection.value,
'wpSummary': 'Reporting [[Special:Contributions/' + uid + '|' + uid + ']].'+ TwinkleConfig.summaryAd,
'wpTextbox1': text + '*\{\{' + ( isIPAddress( uid ) ? 'IPvandal' : 'vandal' ) + '|' + (/\=/.test( uid ) ? '1=' : '' ) + uid + '\}\} - ' + reason.replace(/\r?\n/g, "<br />") + ' ~~' + '~~'
}; postData );
username: function( self ) {
uid = self.params.uid;
reason = self.params.reason;
var form = self.responseXML.getElementById('editform');
if( !form ) {
self.statelem.error( 'Failed to retrieve edit form.' );
var text = form.wpTextbox1.value;
if (new RegExp( "\\{\\{\\s*user2\\s*\\|\\s*(1\\s*=\\s*)?" + RegExp.escape(uid, true) + "\\s*(\\||\\})" ).test(text)) {
self.statelem.error( 'User is already listed.' );
self.statelem.status( 'Adding new report...' );
var postData = {
'wpMinoredit': ( form.wpMinoredit.checked || TwinkleConfig.markUAAReportAsMinor ) ? '' : undefined,
'wpWatchthis': form.wpWatchthis.checked ? '' : undefined,
'wpStarttime': form.wpStarttime.value,
'wpEdittime': form.wpEdittime.value,
'wpAutoSummary': form.wpAutoSummary.value,
'wpEditToken': form.wpEditToken.value,
'wpSection': form.wpSection.value,
'wpSummary': 'Reporting [[Special:Contributions/' + uid + '|' + uid + ']].'+ TwinkleConfig.summaryAd,
'wpTextbox1': text + reason
}; postData );
sock: {
main: function( self ) {
var form = self.responseXML.getElementById('editform');
var text = form.wpTextbox1.value;
var query = {
'title': 'User talk:' + self.params.uid,
'action': 'submit'
var wikipedia_wiki = new 'Notifying suspected sockpuppeteer', query, twinklearv.callbacks.sock.notifySock );
wikipedia_wiki.params = self.params;
wikipedia_wiki.followRedirect = true;
var statusIndicator2 = new Status('Notifying suspected sockpuppets', '0%');
var total = self.params.sockpuppets.length * 2;
var onsuccess = function( self ) {
var obj = self.params.obj;
var total =;
var now = parseInt( 100 * ++(self.params.current)/total ) + '%';
obj.update( now );
if( self.params.current >= total ) { now + ' (completed)' );
var onloaded = onsuccess;
var onloading = function( self ) {}
var params2 = clone( self.params ); = total;
params2.obj = statusIndicator2;
params2.current = 0;
var socks = self.params.sockpuppets;
for( var i = 0; i < socks.length; ++i ) {
var query = {
'title': 'User talk:' + socks[i],
'action': 'submit'
var wikipedia_wiki = new "Notification for " + socks[i], query, twinklearv.callbacks.sock.notifySock );
wikipedia_wiki.params = params2;
wikipedia_wiki.onloaded = onloaded;
wikipedia_wiki.onsuccess = onsuccess;
wikipedia_wiki.followRedirect = true;
text +=
"== " + self.params.uid + " ==\n" + function(v) { return "* \{\{" + "checkuser" + "|1=" + v + "\}\}" } ).join( "\n" ) +
"\nEvidence: " + self.params.evidence + " \n";
if( self.params.checkuser ) {
text += "Please checkuser.";
text += "\n";
var postData = {
'wpMinoredit': form.wpMinoredit.checked ? '' : undefined,
'wpWatchthis': form.wpWatchthis.checked ? '' : undefined,
'wpStarttime': form.wpStarttime.value,
'wpEdittime': form.wpEdittime.value,
'wpAutoSummary': form.wpAutoSummary.value,
'wpEditToken': form.wpEditToken.value,
'wpSection': form.wpSection.value,
'wpSummary': 'Adding new report for [[Special:Contributions/' + self.params.uid + '|' + self.params.uid + ']].'+ TwinkleConfig.summaryAd,
'wpTextbox1': text
var query = {
'title': 'Wikipedia:Requests for checkuser',
'action': 'submit'
var wikipedia_wiki = new 'Listing discussion at Wikipedia:Requests for checkuser', query, twinklearv.callbacks.sock.listCase );
wikipedia_wiki.params = self.params;
wikipedia_wiki.followRedirect = true;
wikipedia_wiki.get(); postData );
notifySock: function( self ) {
var form = self.responseXML.getElementById('editform');
text = form.wpTextbox1.value;
var postData = {
'wpMinoredit': form.wpMinoredit.checked ? '' : undefined,
'wpWatchthis': form.wpWatchthis.checked ? '' : undefined,
'wpStarttime': form.wpStarttime.value,
'wpEdittime': form.wpEdittime.value,
'wpAutoSummary': form.wpAutoSummary.value,
'wpEditToken': form.wpEditToken.value,
'wpSection': form.wpSection.value,
'wpSummary': "Notifying about suspicion of sockpuppeteering." + TwinkleConfig.summaryAd,
'wpTextbox1': text + "\n\{\{subst:socksuspectnotice|1=" + self.params.uid + "\}\} \~\~\~\~"
}; postData );
listCase: function( self ) {
var form = self.responseXML.getElementById('editform');
text = form.wpTextbox1.value;
if( !self.params.checkuser ) {
if( text.match( /\=\=\=[ ]*User\-reported cases[ ]*\=\=\=[\s]+/i ) ) {
text.replace( /\=\=\=[ ]*User\-reported cases[ ]*\=\=\=[\s]+/i,
'=== User-reported cases ===\n\{\{SPI|' + self.params.uid + '\}\}\n');
} else { 'Error', 'Unable to find appropriate location to add investigation at WP:SSP' );
} else {
if( text.match( /\=\=\=[ ]*Awaiting Clerk approval[ ]*\=\=\=[\s]+/i ) ) {
text.replace( /\=\=\=[ ]*Awaiting Clerk approval[ ]*\=\=\=[\s]+/i,
'=== Awaiting Clerk approval ===\n\{\{SPI|' + self.params.uid + '\}\}\n');
} else { 'Error', 'Unable to find appropriate location to add investigation at WP:SSP' );
var postData = {
'wpMinoredit': form.wpMinoredit.checked ? '' : undefined,
'wpWatchthis': form.wpWatchthis.checked ? '' : undefined,
'wpStarttime': form.wpStarttime.value,
'wpEdittime': form.wpEdittime.value,
'wpAutoSummary': form.wpAutoSummary.value,
'wpEditToken': form.wpEditToken.value,
'wpSection': form.wpSection.value,
'wpSummary': "Listing [[Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations/" + self.params.uid + "|" + self.params.uid + "]] for investigation" + (self.params.checkuser ? " (Checkuser requested)" : "") + "." + TwinkleConfig.summaryAd,
'wpTextbox1': text
}; postData );
twinklearv.callback.evaluate = function(e) {
var form =;
var reason = "";
if( form.reason ) {
comment = form.reason.value;
var uid = form.uid.value;
switch( form.category.value ) {
case 'aiv':
var types = form.getChecked( 'arvtype' );
if( types.length == 0 && comment == '' ) {
alert( 'You must specify some reason' );
types = function(v) {
switch(v) {
case 'final':
return 'vandalism after final warning';
case 'postblock':
return 'vandalism after recent release of block';
case 'spambot':
return 'account is a spambot or a compromised account';
case 'vandalonly':
return 'actions indicate a vandalism-only account';
case 'promoonly':
return 'account is being used only for promotional purposes';
} ).join( ', ' );
if( != '' ) {
reason += 'On [[' + /^(Image|Category|File):/i, ':$1:' ) + ']]';
if( form.badid.value != '' ) {
var query = {
'diff': form.badid.value,
'oldid': form.goodid.value
reason += ' ([' + mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( query ) + ' diff])';
reason += ';';
if( types ) {
reason += " " + types;
if (comment != '' ) {
reason += ". " + comment + '.';
Status.init( form );
var query = {
'title': 'Wikipedia:Vandalism in progress',
'action': 'submit',
'section': 2
wikipedia_wiki = new 'Processing VIP request', query, twinklearv.callbacks.aiv );
wikipedia_wiki.params = { reason:reason, uid:uid };
wikipedia_wiki.followRedirect = true;
case 'username':
var types = form.getChecked( 'arvtype' );
if( types.length == 0 ) {
alert( 'You must specify at least one breached violation' );
types = function( v ) { return v.toLowerCaseFirstChar(); } );
if( types.length <= 2 ) {
types = types.join( ' and ' );
} else {
types = [ types.slice( 0, -1 ).join( ', ' ), types.slice( -1 ) ].join( ' and ' );
var article = 'a';
if( /[aeiouwyh]/.test( types[0] ) ) { // non 100% correct, but whatever inlcuding 'h' for Cockney
article = 'an';
reason = "*\{\{user2|1=" + uid + "\}\} — Violation of username policy because it's " + article + " " + types + " username; ";
if (comment != '' ) {
reason += "''" + comment.toUpperCaseFirstChar() + "''. ";
reason += "\~\~\~\~";
Status.init( form );
var query = {
'title': "Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard",
'action': 'submit',
'section': 'new'
wikipedia_wiki = new 'Processing AN request', query, twinklearv.callbacks.username );
wikipedia_wiki.params = { reason:reason, uid:uid };
wikipedia_wiki.followRedirect = true;
case 'sock':
var sockpuppets = form.getTexts( 'sockpuppet' );
var evidence = form.evidence.value.rtrim();
var checkuser = form.checkuser.checked;
Status.init( form );
var query = {
'title': 'Wikipedia:Requests for checkuser#' + uid,
'action': 'submit'
var wikipedia_wiki = new 'Retrieving discussion page', query, twinklearv.callbacks.sock.main );
wikipedia_wiki.params = { uid:uid, sockpuppets:sockpuppets, evidence:evidence, checkuser:checkuser };
wikipedia_wiki.followRedirect = true;