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User:Inclusivedisjunction/Projects/List of Pokémon by National Pokédex order

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This is a list of Pokémon by the order they appear in the National Pokédex.

#001 to #100[change | change source]

#001 - #020[change | change source]

Dex number Pokémon name Description Evolution Evolves from Evolves into Type
#001 Bulbasaur A toad-like Pokémon with a bulb growing on it's back. The bulb grows as the Pokémon gets older. Lvl. 16 none Ivysaur Grass / Poison
#002 Ivysaur The bulb that was on Bulbasaur's back has started to sprout. Lvl. 32 Bulbasaur Venusaur Grass / Poison
#003 Venusaur The bulb has fully blossomed. Ivysaur moves much slower than before, but it is much stronger. none Ivysaur none Grass / Poison
#004 Charmander A small Pokémon that appears similar to a Tyrannosaurus Rex. It has a flame on its tail. If the flame goes out, Charmander will die. Lvl. 16. none Charmeleon Fire
#005 Charmeleon A fire Pokémon that looks similar to Charonosaurus. It is a darker red than Charmander. Lvl. 36 Charmander Charizard Fire
#006 Charizard A large dragon-like Pokémon. Lvl. 36 Charmeleon none Fire / Flying
#007 Squirtle A small bipedal turtle. It can hide in its shell to protect itself. Lvl. 16 none Wartortle Water
#008 Wartortle A bipedal turtle with furry ears and tail. Lvl. 36 Squirtle Blastoise Water
#009 Blastoise A turtle with two large water cannons. none Wartortle none Water
#010 Caterpie A small and weak green caterpillar. Its feet act like suction cups to help it climb easily. Lvl. 7 none Metapod Bug
#011 Metapod A hard green Chrysalis. Lvl. 10 Caterpie Butterfree Bug
#012 Butterfree A colorful butterfly with four limbs and very large eyes. none Metapod none Bug / Flying
#013 Weedle Lvl. 7 none Kakuna Bug / Poison
#014 Kakuna Lvl. 10 Weedle Beedrill Bug / Poison
#015 Beedrill none Kakuna none Bug / Poison
#016 Pidgey Lvl. 18 none Pidgeotto Normal / Flying
#017 Pidgeotto Lvl. 36 Pidgey Pidgeot Normal / Flying
#018 Pidgeot none Pidgeotto none Normal / Flying
#019 Rattata Lvl. 20 none Raticate Normal
#020 Raticate none Rattata none Normal

#021 - #040[change | change source]

Dex number Pokémon name Description Evolution Evolves from Evolves into Type
#021 Spearow Lvl. 20 none Fearow Normal / Flying
#022 Fearow none Spearow none Normal / Flying
#023 Ekans A purple snake ("Ekans" is "snake" spelled backwards). It eats the eggs of Spearow and Pidgey. Lvl. 22 none Arbok Poison
#024 Arbok none Ekans none Poison
#025 Pikachu A yellow mouse that lets out electricity from its cheeks. Thunder Stone Pichu Raichu Electric
#026 Raichu none Pikachu none Electric
#027 Sandshrew Lvl. 22 none Sandslash Ground
#028 Sandslash none Sandshrew none Ground
#029 Nidoran♀ Lvl. 16 none Nidorina Poison
#030 Nidorina Moon Stone Nidoran♀ Nidoqueen Poison
#031 Nidoqueen none Nidorina none Poison / Ground
#032 Nidoran♂ Lvl. 16 none Nidorino Poison
#033 Nidorino Moon Stone Nidoran♂ Nidoking Poison
#034 Nidoking none Nidorino none Poison / Ground
#035 Clefairy Moon Stone Cleffa Clefable Normal
#036 Clefable none Clefairy none Normal
#037 Vulpix Fire Stone none Ninetales Fire
#038 Ninetales none Vulpix none Fire
#039 Jigglypuff Moon Stone Igglybuff Wigglytuff Normal
#040 Wigglytuff none Jigglypuff none Normal

#041 - #060[change | change source]

Dex number Pokémon name Description Evolution Evolves from Evolves into Type
#041 Zubat A blue and purple bat. Lvl. 22 none Golbat Posion / Flying
#042 Golbat Happiness Zubat Crobat Poison / Flying
#043 Oddish A small blue bulb with leaves growing from its head. Lvl. 21 none Gloom Grass / Poison
#044 Gloom Leaf Stone / Sun Stone Oddish Vileplume (Leaf Stone) Bellossom (Sun Stone) Grass / Poison
#045 Vileplume none Gloom none Grass / Poison
#046 Paras</span A crab-like insect with two parasitic mushrooms growing on its back. Lvl. 24 none Parasect Bug / Grass
#047 Parasect none Paras none Bug / Grass
#048 Venonat A purple ball with moth-like eyes and antennae Lvl. 31 none Venomoth Bug / Poison
#049 Venomoth none Venonat none Bug / Poison
#050 Diglett Lvl. 26 none Dugtrio Ground
#051 Dugtrio none Diglett none Ground
#052 Meowth A cat with a shiny medallion on its head. Lvl. 28 None Persian Normal
#053 Persian none Meowth none Normal
#054 Psyduck Lvl. 33 none Golduck Water
#055 Golduck none Psyduck none Water
#056 Mankey Lvl. 28 none Primeape Fighting
#057 Primeape none Mankey none Fighting
#058 Growlithe Fire Stone none Arcanine Fire
#059 Arcanine none Growlithe none Fire
#060 Poliwag Lvl. 25 none Poliwhirl Water

#061 - #080[change | change source]

Dex number Pokémon name Description Evolution Evolves from Evolves into Type
#061 Poliwhirl Water Stone / Trade with King's Rock Poliwag Poliwrath (Water Stone)
Politoed (Trade with King's Rock)
#062 Poliwrath none Poliwhirl none Water / Fighting
#063 Abra Lvl. 16 none Kadabra Psychic
#064 Kadabara Trade Abra Alakazam Psyschic
#065 Alakazam none Kadabra none Psyschic
#066 Machop Lvl. 28 none Machoke Fighting
#067 Machoke Trade Machop Machamp Fighting
#068 Machamp none Machoke none Fighting
#069 Bellsprout Lvl. 21 none Weepinbell Grass / Poison
#070 Weepinbell Leaf Stone Bellsprout Victrebel Grass / Poison
#071 Victrebel none Weepinbell none Grass / Poison
#072 Tentacool Lvl. 30 none Tentacruel Water / Poison
#073 Tentacruel none Tentacool none Water / Poison
#074 Geodude Geodude resembles a boulder with two arms and a face. Lvl. 25 none Graveler Rock / Ground
#075 Graveler Trade Geodude Golem Rock / Ground
#076 Golem none Graveler none Rock / Ground
#077 Ponyta A horse with a fire mane and tail Lvl. 40 none Rapidash Fire
#078 Rapidash none Ponyta none Fire
#079 Slowpoke Lvl. 37 / Trade with King's Rock none Slowbro (Lvl. 37)
Slowking (Trade with King's Rock)
Water / Psychic
#080 Slowbro Resembles a Slowpoke, but with a Shellder on its tail. none Slowpoke none Water / Psychic

#081 - #100[change | change source]

Dex number Pokémon name Description Evolution Evolves from Evolves into Type
#081 Magnemite Lvl. 30 none Magneton Electric / Steel
#082 Magneton Level up at Mt. Coronet Magnemite Magnezone Electric / Steel
#083 Farfetch'd A brown duck-like bird with a leek stalk. none none none Normal / Flying
#084 Doduo A brown ratite with two heads. Lvl. 31 none Dodrio Normal / Flying
#085 Dodrio none Doduo none Normal / Flying
#086 Seel Lvl. 34 none Dewgong Water
#087 Dewgong none Seel none Water / Ice
#088 Grimer A purple mass of sludge. Lvl. 38 none Muk Poison
#089 Muk none Grimer none Poison
#090 Shellder Purple shellfish with a large tongue hanging out Water Stone none Cloyster Water
#091 Cloyster none Shellder none Water / Ice
#092 Gastly Lvl. 25 none Haunter Ghost / Poison
#093 Haunter Trade Gastly Gengar Ghost / Poison
#094 Gengar none Haunter none Ghost / Poison
#095 Onix A snake made from rocks Trade with Metal Coat none Steelix Rock / Ground
#096 Drowzee Lvl. 26 none Hypno Psychic
#097 Hypno none Drowzee none Psychic
#098 Krabby A red crab Lvl. 28 none Kingler Water
#099 Kingler none Krabby none water
#100 Voltorb A ball (red on top, white on bottom) that electrocutes anything that touches them. Lvl. 30 none Electrode Electric

#101 - #200[change | change source]

#101 - #120[change | change source]

Dex number Pokémon name Description Evolution Evolves from Evolves into Type
#101 Electrode none Voltorb none Electric
#102 Exeggcute Leaf Stone none Exeggutor Grass / Psyschic
#103 Exeggutor Resembles a walking coconut tree. It has three faces. none Exeggute none Grass / Psychic
#104 Cubone Lvl. 28 none Marowak Ground
#105 Marowak none Cubone none Ground
#106 Hitmonlee none Tyrogue none Fighting
#107 Hitmonchan none Tyrogue none Fighting
#108 Lickitung Level-up with Rollout. none Lickilicky Normal
#109 Koffing Lvl. 35 none Weezing Poison
#110 Weezing none Koffing none Poison
#111 Rhyhorn Resembles a rhinoceros with rocky armor. Lvl. 42 none Rhydon Ground / Rock
#112 Rhydon Trade with Protector Rhyhorn Rhyperior Ground / Rock
#113 Chansey Happiness Happiny Blissey Normal
#114 Tangela Level up with AncientPower none Tangrowth Grass
#115 Kangaskhan Resembles a kangaroo. It has a baby in a pouch on its belly. Its name is a pun on Genghis Khan. none none none Normal
#116 Horsea Resembles a blue seahorse Lvl. 32 none Seadra Water
#117 Seadra Trade with Dragon Scale Horsea Kingdra Water
#118 Goldeen Lvl. 33 none Seaking Water
#119 Seaking none Goldeen none Water
#120 Staryu Water Stone none Starmie Water

#121 - #140[change | change source]

Dex number Pokémon name Description Evolution Evolves from Evolves into Type
#121 Starmie none Staryu none Water / Psychic
#122 Mr. Mime none Mime Jr. none Psychic
#123 Scyther Resembles a large praying mantis Trade with Metal coat none Scizor Bug / Flying
#124 Jynx none Smoochum none Ice / Psychic
#125 Electabuzz Trade holding Electirizer Elekid Electivire Electric
#126 Magmar Trade holding Magmarizer Magby Magmortar Fire
#127 Pinsir none none none Bug
#128 Tauros Resembles a bison with three tails. none none none Normal
#129 Magikarp Lvl. 20 none Gyrados Water
#130 Gyrados none Magikarp none Water / Flying
#131 Lapras none none none Water / Ice
#132 Ditto A purple blob that can change shape and color to match any other Pokémon. none none none Normal
#133 Eevee A small brown fox-like Pokémon.
  • Water Stone
  • Thunder Stone
  • Fire Stone
  • Happiness (during day)
  • Happiness (during night}
  • Sun Shard
  • Moon Shard
  • Leveling up at Eterna Forest
  • Leveling up at Route 217
  • Vaporeon (via Water Stone)
  • Jolteon (via Thunder Stone)
  • Flareon (via Fire Stone)
  • Espeon (via Leveling up during day or with a Sun Shard)
  • Umbreon (via Leveling up during night or with a Moon Shard)
  • Leafeon (via Leveling up at Eterna Forest)
  • Glaceon (via Leveling up at Route 217)
#134 Vaporeon none Eevee none Water
#135 Jolteon none Eevee none Electric
#136 Flareon none Eevee none Fire
#137 Porygon Trade with Up-Grade none Porygon2 Normal
#138 Omanyte Lvl. 40 none Omastar Rock / Water
#139 Omastar none Omanyte none Rock / Water
#140 Kabuto Lvl. 40 none Kabutops Rock / Water

#141 - #160[change | change source]

Dex number Pokémon name Description Evolution Evolves from Evolves into Type
#141 Kabutops none Kabuto none Rock / Water
#142 Aerodactyl A pterosaur with rocky wings. none none none Rock / Flying
#143 Snorlax none Munchlax none Normal
#144 Articuno none none none Ice / Flying
#145 Zapdos none none none Electric / Flying
#146 Moltres none none none Fire / Flying
#147 Dratini Lvl. 30 none Dragonair Dragon
#148 Dragonair Lvl. 55 Dratini Dragonite Dragon
#149 Dragonite none Dragonair none Dragon / Flying
#150 Mewtwo A psychic bipedal cat. none none none Psychic
#151 Mew none none none Psychic
#152 Chikorita Lvl. 16 none Bayleef Grass
#153 Bayleef Lvl. 32 Chikorita Meganium Grass
#154 Meganium none Bayleef none Grass
#155 Cyndaquil Lvl. 14 none Quilava Fire
#156 Quilava Lvl. 36 Cyndaquil Typhlosion Fire
#157 Typhlosion none Quilava none Fire
#158 Totodile A blue bidpedal crocodile. Lvl. 18 none Crocanaw Water
#159 Croconaw Lvl. 30 Totodile Feraligtr Water
#160 Feraligtr none Croconaw none Water

#161 - #180[change | change source]

Dex number Pokémon name Description Evolution Evolves from Evolves into Type
#161 Sentret Lvl. 15 none Furret Normal
#162 Furret none Sentret none Normal
#163 Hoothoot An owl with large red eyes. Lvl. 20 none Noctowl Normal / Flying
#164 Noctowl none Hoothoot none Normal / Flying
#165 Ledyba Lvl. 18 none Ledian Bug / Flying
#166 Ledian none Ledyba none Bug / Flying
#167 Spinarak Lvl. 22 none Ariados Bug / Poison
#168 Ariados none Spinarak none Bug / Flying
#169 Crobat none Golbat none Poison / Flying
#170 Chinchou Lvl. 27 none Lanturn Water / Electric
#171 Lanturn none Chinchou none Water / Electric
#172 Pichu Happiness none Pikachu Electric
#173 Cleffa Happiness none Clefairy Normal
#174 Igglybuff Happiness none Jigglypuff Normal
#175 Togepi Happiness none Togetic Normal
#176 Natu Lvl. 25 none Xatu Psychic / Flying
#177 Xatu none Natu none Psychic / Flying
#178 Mareep Lvl. 15 none Flaaffy Electric
#179 Flaaffy Lvl. 30 Mareep Ampharos Electric
#180 Ampharos none Flaaffy none Electric

#181 - #200[change | change source]

Dex number Pokémon name Description Evolution Evolves from Evolves into Type

#201 - #300[change | change source]

#201 - #220[change | change source]

Dex number Pokémon name Description Evolution Evolves from Evolves into Type

#221 - #240[change | change source]

Dex number Pokémon name Description Evolution Evolves from Evolves into Type

#241 - #260[change | change source]

Dex number Pokémon name Description Evolution Evolves from Evolves into Type

#261 - #280[change | change source]

Dex number Pokémon name Description Evolution Evolves from Evolves into Type

#281 - #300[change | change source]

Dex number Pokémon name Description Evolution Evolves from Evolves into Type

#301 - #400[change | change source]

#301 - #320[change | change source]

Dex number Pokémon name Description Evolution Evolves from Evolves into Type

#321 - #340[change | change source]

Dex number Pokémon name Description Evolution Evolves from Evolves into Type

#341 - #360[change | change source]

Dex number Pokémon name Description Evolution Evolves from Evolves into Type

#361 - #380[change | change source]

Dex number Pokémon name Description Evolution Evolves from Evolves into Type

#381 - #400[change | change source]

Dex number Pokémon name Description Evolution Evolves from Evolves into Type

#401 - #493[change | change source]

#401 - #420[change | change source]

Dex number Pokémon name Description Evolution Evolves from Evolves into Type

#421 - #440[change | change source]

Dex number Pokémon name Description Evolution Evolves from Evolves into Type

#441 - #460[change | change source]

Dex number Pokémon name Description Evolution Evolves from Evolves into Type

#461 - #480[change | change source]

Dex number Pokémon name Description Evolution Evolves from Evolves into Type

#481 - #493[change | change source]

Dex number Pokémon name Description Evolution Evolves from Evolves into Type