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User talk:SimmeD

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From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from User talk:Simeon Dahl)

Hello, SimmeD, and welcome to the Simple English Wikipedia!

You may want to begin by reading these pages :

For some ideas of pages to work on, read Wikipedia:Requested pages or the list of wanted pages.

You can change any pages you want! Any changes you make can be seen right away. You can ask questions at Wikipedia:Simple talk. At the end of your messages on talk pages, please sign your name by typing "~~~~" (four tildes)

If you need help just click here and type {{helpme}} and your question and someone will reply to you shortly.

Good luck and happy changing! Savh·Tell me 16:44, 1 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]


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I've given you rollback. One thing though: this page and this page are sandboxes. Try not to undo any changes there unless they violate policy. Any testing changes to those pages are perfectly fine, because that's what they are there for. I'm quite happy to give you rollback permission if it makes your work easier, but just try to be more careful. Osiris (talk) 07:26, 7 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Simon, sorry for the late reply. An easy way to know what you need to take care of when creating new articles is to look at all the edits made by other users since you created the page-- issues identified (sourcing concerns) and things added (categories, interwikis, etc) would be things you would want to take care of when you created the page. Hope that helps! :) Osiris (talk) 21:04, 11 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

The problem is that i dont know all the categories on english wiki. I have made a lot if artikels in danish with all :/ --Simeondahl (talk) 06:13, 12 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Undskyld SimmeD

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Tillad mig at undskylde for det, jeg sagde, gjorde Den dag i ugen . Min opførsel var ekstremt uhensigtsmæssig, umodne og manglede respekten for andre. Min opførsel var pinligt, men jeg lærte at ingen værdsat min dårlige opførsel. I fremtiden har jeg til hensigt at bremse mine tankeløse handlinger og lære at tilpasse min adfærd til miljø og situation. Jeg beklager igen for mine handlinger, og jeg håber, at vi kan sætte sagen bag os. Jeg glæder mig til at lærer fra, dig igen Hvis du har nogle tanker i dette, er du velkommen til at dele det med mig.

Jeg skriver dette for at søge tilgivelse for min opførsel. og min handling var helt ubesværet for. Jeg er virkelig ked af det jeg gjorde. Jeg skulle have talt med dig først i stedet for at snakke grimt til jer. du vil ikke tro hvornår Jeg forstod, at dette kun skete på grund af en lille misforståelse, jeg følte mig meget skammelig. Jeg indså, at det var min fejl, at jeg ikke stolede på jer, og så gjorde jeg sagen lige værste ved at opføre mig som jeg gjorde. Jeg føler mig skyldig i hele sagen.

Jeg forstår, at du ikke vil tale med mig. Jeg vil bare fortælle dig, at , jeg kan meget lide dig virkelig, og jeg er meget ked af mine handlinger. Jeg forsikrer dig om, at jeg aldrig vil gentage denne form for mishandling igen.

Hilsen David Ngoviet David ngoviet (talk) 15:07, 28 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]