![]() | Be advised that you take full responsibility for any action performed using HotCat. You must understand Wikipedia policies and use this tool within these policies, or risk losing access to the tool or being blocked. |

HotCat is a gadget that helps registered users easily remove, change, and add categories to Wikipedia pages. It has a suggestions list that will propose existing categories for auto-completion.
Enabling HotCat
[change source]You go to my settings and to to the Gadgets section. Click the checkbox for HotCat to enable. You have to have an account to do this.
HotCat usage
[change source]++ (Change Several Categories)
[change source]You click the double plus sign and you edit any category on the page. Click "save" when you are done
- (Remove Category)
[change source]You click the hyphen next to the category you want to remove to remove it.
± (Change Category)
[change source]You might need to use this one to fix category links or spelling
↓ (Change and View Subcategories)
[change source]You might need to use this to modify this from a category to a subcategory of the category you are modifying
↑ (Change and View Parent Categories)
[change source]You might need to use this to modify this from a category to a category the category is in
+ (Add Category)
[change source]You might want to add a new category (existing or not)