August 23, 2024
The Simple English Wikipedia now has 255,629 articles!
As of this milestone, the Simple English Wikipedia has:
- 838,678 total pages;
- 1,492,021 registered users, of whom 1,290 have been active in the last 30 days;
- 16 users with the adminstrator right;
- 5 users with the bureaucrat right;
- 9,697,101 changes since the Simple English Wikipedia was created. This makes 11.56 average changes per page on the project;
- 90 good articles;
- 26 very good articles.
November 1, 2023
The Simple English Wikipedia now has 241,600 articles!
As of this milestone, the Simple English Wikipedia has:
- 785,209 total pages;
- 1,361,965 registered users, of whom 1,196 have been active in the last 30 days;
- 18 users with the adminstrator right;
- 4 users with the bureaucrat right;
- 9,140,594 changes since the Simple English Wikipedia was created. This makes 11.64 average changes per page on the project;
- 83 good articles;
- 27 very good articles.
September 17, 2023
The Simple English Wikipedia now has 239,112 articles!
As of this milestone, the Simple English Wikipedia has:
- 776,440 total pages;
- 1,347,593 registered users, of whom 1,375 have been active in the last 30 days;
- 18 users with the adminstrator right;
- 4 users with the bureaucrat right;
- 9,050,780 changes since the Simple English Wikipedia was created. This makes 11.66 average changes per page on the project;
- 82 good articles;
- 27 very good articles.
July 4, 2021
The Simple English Wikipedia now has 190,811 articles!
As of this milestone, the Simple English Wikipedia has:
- 626,495 total pages;
- 1,112,496 registered users, of whom 1,117 have been active in the last 30 days;
- 7,620,232 changes since the Simple English Wikipedia was created. This makes 12.16 average changes per page on the project;
- 72 good articles;
- 28 very good articles.
January 20, 2021
The Simple English Wikipedia now has 180,047 articles!
As of this milestone, the Simple English Wikipedia has:
- 596,570 total pages;
- 1,058,369 registered users, of whom 1,227 have been active in the last 30 days;
- 7,277,506 changes since the Simple English Wikipedia was created. This makes 12.20 average changes per page on the project;
- 67 good articles;
- 33 very good articles.
June 14, 2020

The Simple English Wikipedia now has 164,783 articles!
As of this milestone, the Simple English Wikipedia has:
- 559,227 total pages;
- 1,003,550 registered users, of whom 1,150 have been active in the last 30 days;
- 6,965,288 changes since the Simple English Wikipedia was created. This makes 12.46 average changes per page on the project;
- 67 good articles;
- 35 very good articles.
August 15, 2017
The Simple English Wikipedia now has 127,167 articles!
As of this milestone, the Simple English Wikipedia has:
- 429,716 total pages;
- 628,473 registered users, of whom 722 have been active in the last 30 days;
- 5,743,222 changes since the Simple English Wikipedia was created. This makes 13.37 average changes per page on the project;
- 62 good articles;
- 34 very good articles.
March 1, 2014
The Simple English Wikipedia now has 110,000 articles!
May 29, 2013
The Simple English Wikipedia now has 100,000 articles with the creation of Codex Huamantla by SarahStierch!
December 19, 2012
The Simple English Wikipedia now has 90,000 articles!
July 15, 2012
The Simple English Wikipedia now has 85,000 articles with the creation of Amuca tribe by Magnolia!
As of this milestone, the Simple English Wikipedia has:
- 59 good articles, which makes 0,0694% of all our articles.
- 35 very good articles, which makes 0,0412% of all our articles.
March 16, 2012
The Simple English Wikipedia now has 80,000 articles!
As of this milestone, the Simple English Wikipedia has:
- 240,066 total pages;
- 225,545 registered users;
- 3,707,322 changes since the Simple English Wikipedia was created. This makes 15.44 average changes per page on the project;
- 57 good articles;
- 35 very good articles.
January 23, 2011
The Simple English Wikipedia now has 200,000 pages with the creation of Twenty20 by Peterdownunder.
As of this milestone, Simple English has:
- 67,367 total articles
- 163,870 registered users
- 2,823,402 changes have been made since Simple English Wikipedia was started. That comes to 14.12 'changes per page' in the project.
- 55 good articles
- 39 very good articles
January 3, 2011
As of 04:00 UTC, the Simple English Wikipedia has:
- 66,869 content pages
- 198,155 total pages
- 160,716 registered users
- 2,781,812 changes since Simple English Wikipedia was started, making an average of 14.04 changes per page
- 55 good articles
- 39 very good articles
November 5, 2010
- The Simple English Wikipedia reached 50 good articles with the promotion of Fra Angelico.
April 20, 2010
- The Simple English Wikipedia reached 60,000 articles with the creation of Ice-nine by User:
January 1, 2010
As of this 00:00 UTC, Simple English has:
- 57,458 content pages
- 156,743 total pages
- 99,551 registered users
- 2,070,351 changes have been made since Simple English Wikipedia was started. That comes to 13.21 'changes per page' in the project.
October 11, 2009
- RubiksMaster110 created the page User talk:Mynameinc with a welcoming template. This was the 150,000th page to be created on the simple English Wikipedia.
January 6, 2009
The Simple English Wikipedia now has 50,000 articles with the creation of Death's-head Hawkmoth by Synergy.
As of this milestone, Simple English has:
- 120,031 total pages
- 40,173 registered users
- 1,350,652 changes have been made since Simple English Wikipedia was started. That comes to 11.25 'changes per page' in the project.
November 15, 2008
The first edition of Simple News, the Simple English Wikipedia's Monthly Newsletter, is delivered.
November 3, 2008
The Simple English Wikipedia now has 40,000 articles with the creation of Grambois by Yotcmdr. As of this milestone, Simple English has:
- 105,248 total pages
- 31,967 registered users
- 1,168,704 changes have been made since Simple English Wikipedia was started. That comes to 10.98 'changes per page' in the project.
October 23, 2008
A "Did you know..." section is added to the Main Page of Simple English Wikipedia.
October 1, 2008

Gwib created the page User talk:Steelerfan-94. This is the 100,000 page created in Simple English Wikipedia.
June 7, 2008
- The Simple English Wikipedia now has 30,000 articles with the creation of 30,000 Pounds of Bananas by Gwib.
As of this milestone, Simple English has:
- 83,713 total pages
- 19,108 registered users (29 (or 0.15%) of them are administrators)
- 910,764 changes have been made since Simple English Wikipedia was started. That comes to 10.88 'changes per page' in the project.
April 7, 2008
- Congratulations, Simple English Wikipedia! With the creation of Transformer and Energy (society) (also known as Energy (technology)), we have now completed every article on the core article list!
February 16, 2008
Simple English Wikipedia gets its first good articles with:
October 14, 2007
- The Simple English Wikipedia now has 20,000 articles with the creation of Mandurah railway line, Perth by RaNdOm26!
- 55,007 Total pages (which includes "talk" pages, pages about Wikipedia, minimal "stub" pages, redirects, and others that probably don't qualify as articles).
- 557,984 edits have been made. That comes to 10.14 edits per page.
- There are 12,372 registered users. 21 of them are administrators.
September 26, 2007
August 23, 2007
- New Main Page design which incorporates very good articles is used.
August 4, 2007
- The Simple English Wiktionary has reached 2,000 entries.
July 30, 2006
- The Simple English Wikipedia has reached 10,000 articles! The 10,000th milestone article is Florence Harding.
July 28, 2006
All the articles listed at Wikipedia:List of articles all languages should have now exist!
September 27, 2005
- The Simple English Wikipedia now has 5,000 articles!
As of this milestone, Simple English has:
- Over 11,000 total pages in the Simple English Wikipedia.
- Over 1,600 register users, with 10 administrators (although only three of them are active).
September 16, 2004
- The Simple English Wikipedia now has 2000 articles!
As of this milestone, Simple English has:
- 4448 total pages (which includes "talk" pages, pages about Wikipedia, minimal "stub" pages, redirects, and others that probably don't qualify as articles).
- 532 registered users. 8 of these are administrators.
- 17618 page edits. That comes to 3.96 average edits per page.
May 1, 2004
- Simple English Wiktionary created. Should it exist? Discussion at Simple Talk.
April 7, 2004
- The Simple English Wikipedia now has 1000 articles!
January 15, 2004
- Wikipedia is three years old today!
January 11, 2004
- The Simple English Wikipedia now has 50 registered users.
December 18, 2003
- Simple English Wikipedia is now running on MediaWiki. The beginning of a new Wikipedia.