151 (number)
151 (one hundred fifty-one) is a number. It comes after 150 and before 152.
Mathematical uses
[change | change source]- 151 is a prime number. This means it can only be divided evenly by 1 and itself.
- 151 is also a palindromic prime. A palindrome reads the same forward and backward (for example, 151 looks the same if you reverse its digits).
Other uses of 151
[change | change source]- 151 is sometimes used in product names (like certain types of rum called "151 rum").
- The number 151 can also be found in the names of roads, bus routes, or sports statistics, though these can be different depending on where people live.
== Related pages ==
- [[Prime number]]
- [[Palindrome]]
[change | change source]- "Prime Numbers" – Wolfram MathWorld.
- "Palindromic Number" – Wolfram MathWorld.