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Arovell Verlag

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Arovell Verlag is an Austrian publishing house for modern literature. It was founded in 1991 by the Austrian writer, artist and musician, Paul Jaeg. Today, Jaeg is still the director.

Each year, Arovell prints between ten and twenty new books. Some authors, such as Peter Paul Wiplinger, have already published several books with Arovell, but others use Arovell to publish their first book(s).

Arovell publishes modern literature in the German language. They include short prose, stories and poetry. The covers of all books show a painting by Paul Jaeg.

Arovell also publishes a magazine about literature, music and art, which gives information about new books and public events. The magazine prints sometimes short texts from the books by Arovell.

The publisher organizes literary, musical and artistic events, especially in Upper Austria and Salzburg, but also in Vienna.

Arovell's headquarter is in Gosau in Upper Austria and has branch offices in Vienna and Salzburg.

Published authors (examples)

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