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Art model

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Georges Seurat - Les Poseuses
Drawing workshop, with a live model

An art model is a person posing as a model for an artist. The artist will use the model for a work of art. In many cases, such models are women or girls. Very often they are naked. They pass long hours in a given pose. Artists often asked their parners or spouses to act as a model. This was the case with artists such as Paul Cézanne, Salvador Dalí, Pablo Picasso and Heinrich Vogeler. Marie-Hortense Fiquet was first a model for Paul Cézanne and later became his wife. There are about 26 paintings of her.

Modelling is exhausing, as poses often need to be kept for a long time. When modleing for an art class, this is usually done in silence; no one spkeas to modles. Also , models are often nude. For this reason, children are usually banned from acting as an art model. Also children usually don't have the ability to hold still for a long time.