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Civil disobedience act

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In December 1929, the Indian National Congress Party agreed to start a movement for complete independence from British rule. The Party decided to start a movement named to disobey British rule. It became the civil disobedience movement. They decided to observe 26th January 1930 as the complete Independence Day. Many other political parties and revolutionaries came together to support this movement. Gandhi started this movement. Thus the civil disobedience movement began, and it soon spread throughout India. Indians started to break unfair laws in a peaceful manner in protest against the British rule.

The abolition of salt tax by salt march was one of the acts within it.
There were various events that led to the Civil Disobedience movement in India. The events are discussed as follows:


The list of demands was: 1. Prohibition of the use of intoxicants 2. Change of the rate of land revenue. 3. Abolition of salt tax. 4. Reduction of the rate of land revenue. 5. Reduction of military expenditure.