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IRC −10414

From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

IRC-10414 is a Red hyper giant star and is one of the largest stars known. It is not well known because IRC’s and IRAS’s are not very popular. If you placed it in the Solar system, It would engulf the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, and dwarf planet Ceres. However, IRC 10414 is a bit tiny compared to larger stars such as WOH G64, VY Canis Majoris and UY Scuti. It is still a big honking star. It is approximately 1,000 times bigger than our own Star, The Sun. It is not likely that it has planets, But another large star, VV Cephei, has a smaller companion, so there is a small chance IRC-10414 has a smaller companion. However, scientists have not found a single binary orbiting this huge star.