Jim Henson's Muppet Babies
Muppet Babies is an American children's animated series produced by The Jim Henson Company and Nick Jr. Productions, Kermit The Frog Productions and Marvel Productions which ran on Nickelodeon from 1984-1991, winning the Outstanding Animated Series Emmy for four consecutive years. The concept of presenting familiar Muppet characters as babies was introduced in a sequence of The Muppets Take Manhattan. The movie featured puppet versions of Kermit the Frog, Miss Piggy, Gonzo, Fozzie Bear, Scooter, and Rowlf as babies (the puppet versions later returned one more time, for a home movie sequence in A Muppet Family Christmas).
Voice cast
[change | change source]- Greg Berg: Baby Fozzie, Baby Scooter
- Dave Coulier (1986–1991): Baby Animal, Baby Bunsen, Baby Bean Bunny, Baby Janice, Uncle Statler and Waldorf, and Camilla (occasionally)
- Katie Leigh: Baby Rowlf, Mrs. Mitchell
- Howie Mandel (1984–1985): Baby Skeeter, Baby Animal, Baby Bunsen
- Laurie O'Brien: Baby Piggy
- Russi Taylor: Gonzo the Great, Robin and Camilla (occasionally) and Aunt Fanny
- Frank Welker: Baby Kermit, Baby Skeeter (1986–1990), Baby Beaker, Camilla and The Chief Inspector of Scotland Yard
- Barbara Billingsley: Nanny