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Julie Toussaint

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Julie Toussaint , born May 22, 1839 in Castelnaudary and died December 26, 1923 in Paris , is an educator, philanthropist , and feminist and pacifist activist . She is notable, because she was awarded the Legion of Honour.[1][2]

She was secretary of the Society for the Professional Education of Women of Élisa Lemonnier and honorary member of the National Council of French Women .

Julie Toussaint did not study in a religious institution but studied: mathematics , science , philosophy , Latin , a little Greek . She could not enter the University.. Her brother received his bachelor's degree but died a few years later in America  .[3]

In 1862, Élisa Lemonnier, who had just founded the Society for the Professional Education of Women, recruited her. Two years later, Julie Toussaint became the general secretary of the Society . The first professional school for women was founded at 9, rue de la Perle . In 1890, the school had three schools, the second at 70, rue d'Assas and the third at 41, rue des Boulets . The three schools receive external students aged at least 12 , after an exam. The morning is devoted to studies, the afternoon to activities linked to the professional project: business courses  ; industrial drawing , wood engraving and painting workshop ; glass painting , tailoring , lingerie , embroidery classes . A committee , helped and protected students when they leave school  .[4]

Julie Toussaint, succeeded Élisa Lemonnier, until the professional schools became official and came under the control of the Paris municipal council [3]

Julie Toussaint was an active member of the Relief Society for Victims of the War of 1870 . This company organizes distributions of food, supplies and money, as well as work to able-bodied workers [5]

Julie Toussaint was present at the first session of the Peace Congress organized at Trocadéro  . She was a delegate to the International Peace Bureau, mandated by the 4th Universal Peace Congress of 1893, Julie Toussaint was appointed to the congress bureau and was vice-president of the international bureau commission.[6][7]


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  1. Dubois, Patrick (2002). "TOUSSAINT (Mlle Julie)". Publications de l'Institut national de recherche pédagogique. 17 (1): 137–137.
  2. "Journal de Fourmies : hebdomadaire (non politique) ["puis" hebdomadaire indépendant], littéraire, scientifique, industriel et commercial..." Gallica. 1889-06-27. Retrieved 2024-05-21.
  3. 3.0 3.1 texte, Conseil national des femmes francaises Auteur du (1924-01-12). "La Française : journal de progrès féminin". Gallica. Retrieved 2024-05-21.
  4. "La Marseillaise : journal politique quotidien". Gallica. 1890-03-08. Retrieved 2024-05-21.
  5. Société de secours aux victimes de la guerre.
  6. "Le Montagnard : Organe bi-hebdomadaire ["puis" hebdomadaire] de la démocratie socialiste des arrondissements de Saint-Claude (Jura) et de Nantua (Ain) ["puis" de la démocratie socialiste de l'arrondissement de Saint-Claude]". Gallica. 1893-06-11. Retrieved 2024-05-21.
  7. "L'Union des peuples / rédacteur Pierre Parl ; [gérant Pierre Desains]". Gallica. 1893. Retrieved 2024-05-21.