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Kismayo is a city in Somalia. It is the commercial capital of Jubaland. The word Kismayo is a Somali word which literally means small not.[1] kismayu is a bajuni word which means the risen water bohol. There's no a single word known as kismayu in somali langu. Not only that shows the origin of kismayu is a bajuni community, even the old town of kismayu is a place called majengo and big rivals of soccer teams are majengo fc and kisima fc, so let the history speaks its self let not force the false to be the reality.


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  1. Abdi, Ali A. "Clash of oralities and textualities: The colonization of the communicative space in Sub-Saharan Africa." Indigenous Knowledge and Learning in Asia/Pacific and Africa. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2010. 147-164.