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Letterlike Symbols

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Letterlike Symbols is a Unicode block (a group of symbols in Unicode). It has 80 symbols. Many of these symbols are used in mathematics and look like letters.

Unicode Letterlike Symbols[1]
Character Image Meaning Code
ª⁄c An abbreviation for account. This is used in banks. U+2100
ª⁄ₛ This is short for "adressed to the subject". U+2101
Blackboard bold capital C. This symbol is used for complex numbers.[2] U+2102
°C Symbol for Celsius. U+2103
Symbol for centerline (a line in the center of a shape that divides the shape into two equal parts). U+2104
ᶜ⁄ₒ This is short for "care of". It is similar to the symbol ℁ (U+2101). U+2105
ᶜ⁄ᵤ This is short for "cada una", which means "each one" in Spanish.[2] U+2106
Ɛ Symbol for Euler's constant. U+2107
Э Symbol for the scruple. U+2108
°F Symbol for Fahrenheit. U+2109
Script lowercase G. U+210A
Script capital H. It is used in Hamiltonian mechanics.[2] U+210B
Blackletter capital H. U+210C
Blackboard bold capital H. This is used as a symbol for quaternions. U+210D
h Symbol for the Planck constant. U+210E
ħ Symbol for the Planck constant when it is divided by two pi. U+210F
Script capital I. U+2110
Blackletter capital I. U+2111
Script capital L. This is used for the laplace transform. U+2112
𝓁 Script small L. It is used as a symbol for liter.[2] U+2113
ƚƀ Symbol for pounds.[2] U+2114
Blackboard bold capital N. This is used as a symbol for natural numbers.[2] U+2115
No̲ An abbreviation for "number". This is called the numero sign. It is similar to the number sign. U+2116
Symbol for the copyright of a sound recording. U+2117
𝓅 Script capital P. This is a symbol for Weierstrass's elliptic functions. U+2118
Blackboard bold capital P. This is used as a symbol for prime numbers. U+2119
Blackboard bold capital Q. This is used as a symbol for rational numbers.[2] U+211A
Script capital R. U+211B
Blackletter capital R. U+211C
Blackboard bold capital R. This is used as a symbol for real numbers.[2] U+211D
Rₓ An abbreviation for prescription. U+211E
Symbol for the response in a preces. U+211F
S Symbol for service marks. U+2120
Tᴇʟ Symbol for telephones. U+2121
ᵀᴹ Symbol for unregistered trademarks. U+2122
Symbol for the versicle in a preces. U+2123
Blackboard bold capital Z. This is used as a symbol for integers.[2] U+2124
Symbol for the ounce. U+2125
Ω Ω Symbol for the ohm. U+2126
Ʊ Symbol for the mho (another name for the siemens).[2] U+2127
Blackletter capital Z. U+2128
ɿ Upside down lowercase Iota. This is used as a symbol for the definite descriptor.[2] U+2129
K K Symbol for the kelvin. U+212A
Å Å Symbol for the ångström. U+212B
Script capital B. This is used for the Bloch space. U+212C
Blackletter capital C. U+212D
Symbol used in European packaging for an estimate. U+212E
A mathematical constant. U+212F
Script capital E. This is used for electromotive force.[2] U+2130
Script capital F. This is used for the Fourier transform.[2] U+2131
One of the three Claudian letters.[2] U+2132
Script capital M. This is used as the German gold mark symbol.[2] U+2133
Script small O. U+2134
א The Hebrew leter Aleph. This is used as a symbol for the aleph numbers. U+2135
ב The Hebrew letter Bet. This is used as a symbol for the beth numbers. U+2136
ג The Hebrew letter Gimel. This is used as a symbol for the gimel function. U+2137
ד The Hebrew letter Dalet. U+2138
Symbol for information sources. U+2139
Rotated capital Q. This is used as a symbol for signature marks.[2] U+213A
Symbol for fax. U+213B
Blackboard bold lowercase pi. U+213C
Blackboard bold lowercase gamma. U+213D
Blackboard bold capital gamma. U+213E
Blackboard bold capital pi. U+213F
Blackboard bold n–ary (of n entities) summation. U+2140
Upside down G. U+2141
Upside down L. U+2142
Horizontally flipped L. U+2143
Upside down R. U+2144
𝔻 Blackboard bold and italic capital D. It can be used as a symbol for differentials.[2] U+2145
𝕕 Blackboard bold and italic lowercase D. It can be used as a symbol for differentials.[2] U+2146
𝕖 Blackboard bold and italic lowercase E. It can be used as a symbol for natural exponents.[2] U+2147
𝕚 Blackboard bold and italic lowercase I. It can be used as a symbol for imaginary units.[2] U+2148
𝕛 Blackboard bold and italic lowercase J. It can be used as a symbol for imaginary units.[2] U+2149
Symbol used for property lines. U+214A
Upside down ampersand. This is used in linear logic.[2] U+214B
An abbreviation for the word "per". U+214C
ᴬ⁄S An abbreviation for the word "aktieselskab" (the Danish word for a corporation for stocks). U+214D
Lowercase version of Ⅎ (U+2132). U+214E
Symbol for a reference written in the Samaritan script. U+214F


[change | change source]
  1. Unicode chart (PDF)
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 Unicode Consortium. "Letterlike Symbols". Unicode Code Charts. Retrieved December 16, 2020.