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Language(s)Meitei language (Manipuri language)
Place of originManipur, North East India
Other names
Alternative spellingLoulempam
Short form(s)Louremba
Related pagesOinam family

Lourembam is a Meetei Manipuri surname or family name which has Indian origin. People of this family mainly inhabit in Manipur, India.[1][2]

The Cultural Significance of the Lourembam Surname in Meetei Manipuri Society:

The Lourembam surname holds a distinguished place in the Meetei Manipuri community, carrying with it a rich tapestry of history and cultural identity. As a traditional Meetei Manipuri surname, it is not just a family name but a marker of lineage and heritage that traces the social and cultural fabric of Manipur.

The Meetei community, primarily residing in the northeastern Indian state of Manipur, is known for its vibrant culture, intricate traditional practices, and a deep-rooted system of clans, known as "Salai." Within this framework, the surname Lourembam signifies not only familial lineage but also connects individuals to specific roles and responsibilities within the community.

Historically, surnames in Meetei society were closely linked to professions, social roles, and ancestral stories. The Lourembam family name is associated with histories of valor, scholarship, and guardianship, reflecting the roles that members of this family might have played in the royal courts of Manipur or in the protection and administration of ancient Meetei kingdoms.

Cultural events and religious ceremonies see the active participation of various clans, where the Lourembam family often has specific duties or honors. These activities are pivotal in preserving the customs and oral histories of the Meetei, where each surname, including Lourembam, contributes to a collective memory and identity.

In contemporary times, the Lourembam surname continues to be a source of pride, with many bearers involved in cultural preservation and the promotion of Meetei traditions. Whether through dance, music, or the martial arts of Thang-Ta, individuals from the Lourembam family strive to keep their ancestral heritage vibrant and relevant.

Thus, the Lourembam surname is much more than a tag of identity—it is a symbol of the enduring spirit of the Meetei people, encapsulating tales of the past, the ethos of the present, and aspirations for the future.


  1. "Lourembam surname".
  2. "Origin of Lourembam surname".