Magnús Eiríksson
Magnús Eiríksson (born 22 June 1806 in Skinnalón, Iceland; died 3 July 1881 in Copenhagen, Denmark) was an Icelandic theologian. He lived in Copenhagen at the same time as Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) and Hans Lassen Martensen (1808-1884) and viewed their opinions on religion and Christianity with a critical eye.
Magnús Eiríksson was a Lutheran who developed a Unitarian conviction.
[change | change source]Here are some works by Eiríksson, with the Danish title on the right:
- On Baptists and Infant Baptism (Om Baptister og Barnedaab), Copenhagen 1844.
- Faith, Superstition and Unbelief (Tro, Overtro og Vantro), Copenhagen 1846.
- Dr. Martensen’s Printed Moral Paragraphs (Dr. Martensens trykte moralske Paragrapher), Copenhagen 1846.
- Speculative Orthodoxy (Speculativ Rettroenhed), Copenhagen 1849.
- [Theophilus Nicolaus], Is Faith a Paradox and ‘by Virtue of the Absurd’? (Er Troen et Paradox og “i Kraft af det Absurde”? ), Copenhagen 1850.
- About the Gospel of John (Om Johannes-Evangeliet), Copenhagen 1863.
- Paul and Christ (Paulus og Christus), Copenhagen 1871.
- Jews and Christians (Jøder og Christne), Copenhagen 1873.