He was Gaia's husband, the father of the Hekatonkheires, the elder Cyclops and the first generation Titans. Ouranos was cut up in many pieces by his son, Kronos, who was helped by his brothers Iapetos, Hyperion, Kreios, Koios. Before almost dying, Ouranos gave Kronos, a prophecy where Kronos's children would usurp him in a similar manner. Ouranos's ichor (the golden blood of the Greco-Roman gods and goddesses) created a lot of Greco-Roman deities when it touched a certain substance, when the ichor splashed the rocks, it created the Erinyes, who would work for Hades when he would become the god of the Underworld. When the ichor splashed the fertile soil, it created gentler Greco-Roman deities like nymphs and satyrs, one satyr who was Chiron, who would be someone who would teach the most legendary heroes of all time. When the ichor splashed the ocean foam, the goddess Aphrodite was born. Ouranos was immortal, he still was alive but since he was almost killed on the earth, which was not his territory because he was the god of the sky, he couldn't form a consciousness to maintain a body. You will wonder how we still have the sky even if the god is gone from active participation in Greek mythology and Roman mythology, it's because he wasn't completely dead, we know that he was exiled in the sky.