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The famous rounded façade of the palace on the entrance front of the building.
The Palazzo Carignano is a former palace in Turin , Italy . It was the residence of the Princes of Carignano , a line directly related to the royal family. It is famous for its unique rounded façade . It was also the birthplace of Princess Marie Louise of Savoy . It was the birthplace of Vittorio Emanuele II of Italy , the first king of Italy. The building is near the larger Royal Palace of Turin .
Northwest The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci in the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan Venice
Spanish Steps, Rome Royal Palace of Caserta Arab-Norman Palermo, Palatine Chapel Sanctuary of Monte Sant'Angelo Northeast Central South Islands Countrywide
1 Shared with Switzerland
2 Shared with the Holy See
3 Shared with Austria , France , Germany , Slovenia , and Switzerland
4 Shared with Albania , Austria , Belgium , Bulgaria , Croatia , Germany , Poland , Romania , Slovakia , Slovenia , Spain and Ukraine
5 Shared with Croatia and Montenegro