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Salt March

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Gandhi led his followers on the famous Salt March to break the British Salt Laws.
The Salt Satyagraha Memorial has stood as a testament to the lasting legacy of the Salt March on Indian, and worldwide culture.

Mahatma Gandhi[1] was the leader of the Salt March and was part of the Indian independence movement. It was a non-violent protest against the salt tax by the British government. The Indians were upset that the government increased the price of salt.

Mahatma Gandhi is an inspiration for pacifists all over the world.

Mahatma Gandhi led the march. It started on the 12th of March in 1930 and finished on the 6th of April in the same year. It went from Sabarmati Ashram to Dandi, which was called Navsari at that time. Marchers took a handful of salt from the shore. They then announced that they had broken the law by making salt. This was a major but peaceful challenge against Britain's colony. This move enraged the British and they called for his arrest.

The British then came to the beach and beat Gandhi and anyone with him, but the Indians didn't fight back. They stood there, to prove their point.


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  1. "Essay on Mahatma Gandhi 100, 200, short and long essay for students". Intelligence Class. Retrieved 2023-03-15.