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Separately managed account

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IS ARKmining.com Legit or SCAM?

In recent months, ARKmining.com has attracted numerous investors with its promises of high returns and a reliable investment platform. However, the reality for many has been quite the opposite. Here are several reasons why ARKmining.com Bitcoin Cloud Mining is considered a scam and why investors should look for safer alternatives like ProtonYields.

Lack of Returns[change | change source]

One of the primary reasons ARKmining is labeled a scam is the failure to deliver on promised returns. Many investors have reported not seeing any profits from their investments, despite the company's assurances. This lack of financial return is a significant red flag indicating that ARKmining may not be a legitimate investment opportunity.

Poor Communication[change | change source]

Effective communication is vital for any investment platform, and ARKmining.com falls short in this area. Investors have complained about the company's poor communication, with promised updates and progress reports never materializing. This lack of transparency leaves investors in the dark about the status of their investments and raises serious concerns about the company's legitimacy.

Misleading Marketing[change | change source]

ARKmining.com's website and marketing materials paint a picture of a trustworthy and profitable investment opportunity. However, many have found these claims to be misleading. The reality of the investment experience does not align with the promises made, which is a classic sign of a scam. Misleading marketing tactics are designed to lure investors in, only to disappoint them later.

Ineffective Customer Support[change | change source]

When issues arise, effective customer support is crucial. Unfortunately, ARKmining.com's customer service has proven to be inadequate. Many investors have reported receiving generic responses and no real solutions to their problems. This lack of support further erodes trust and suggests that the company is not genuinely concerned about its investors' well-being.

The Better Alternative: ProtonYields[change | change source]

In stark contrast to ARKmining.com, ProtonYields offers a secure and profitable investment experience. Here are several reasons why ProtonYields stands out as a superior choice for investors:

Instant Deposits and Withdrawals[change | change source]

One of the most appealing features of ProtonYields is its instant deposits and withdrawals. This level of efficiency ensures that investors have immediate access to their funds, enhancing trust and providing peace of mind.

Quick Support[change | change source]

ProtonYields takes customer support seriously, offering quick and responsive assistance. Investors can rest assured that their concerns will be addressed promptly and effectively, which is crucial for maintaining confidence in the platform.

High Yield Investment Plans[change | change source]

ProtonYields offers three high yield investment plans tailored to different investor needs. These plans are designed to provide substantial returns, making ProtonYields an attractive option for those looking to maximize their earnings.

Conclusion[change | change source]

ARKmining.com has proven to be a disappointing and risky investment choice, with numerous red flags indicating it may be a scam. From lack of returns and poor communication to misleading marketing and ineffective customer support, the signs are clear.

In contrast, ProtonYields offers a reliable and profitable alternative, with instant deposits and withdrawals, quick support, and high yield investment plans. For those seeking a trustworthy investment platform, ProtonYields is the clear choice. Avoid the pitfalls of ARKmining and invest with confidence in ProtonYields.

A Separately Managed Account or SMA is a type of financial investment account. SMAs are offered by financial consultants and brokerage firms, and managed by independent "money managers." A money manager is a business that manages stock and other securities, or investments for an investor. SMAs have varying fee structures. Common characteristics of SMAs are that they provide open investment choices; have multiple managers; and, offer a customized investment portfolio created for a client's specific needs. [1]

History[change | change source]

They were first introduced in the US in the 1970s by the former investment firm EF Hutton [2] They have grown in popularity and are offered in other countries. For some investors, Separately Managed Accounts are rivals to mutual funds and other types of investments. [3]

Performance[change | change source]

While there is no long-term research that compares SMAs’ performance to other investment categories, the available research does show them as a strong competitor.

Morningstar Inc., a fund research firm, released research that showed that SMAs beat mutual funds in 2008. They said that SMAs outperformed mutual funds in 25 of 36 stock and bond market categories that year. In addition, Morningstar said that from 2006 to 2008, SMAs surpassed mutual funds in 22 of 26 categories.[1] The Wall Street Journal reported that Separately Managed Accounts may beat popular mutual funds because SMAs “…tend to have smaller amounts of assets than popular mutual funds, allowing them to trade more nimbly." Unlike mutual funds, SMAs permit the investor to tailor their basket of stocks and bonds which can limit the investment risk. Registered Rep, an investment trade magazine, said that SMAs also can provide tax advantages that may not be available with mutual funds and other investments.[4]

The Wall Street Journal recognized top SMA performers including PTI Securities & Futures LP’s “Protected Index Program” and Robinson Value Management Ltd’s “Market Opportunity Composite Strategy.” [1]

Pensions & Investments, a US investment trade magazine, reported on several of the highest performing SMAs for 2008.[5]

Financial experts point out that past performance of any investment is not a predictor of future performance. So, investors should talk with a licensed financial adviser and carefully review all information available before making any investment decision. In addition, before making an investment, investors should check with the appropriate licensing and regulatory authorities to ensure that the firm offering SMAs is properly licensed and in good standing.

References[change | change source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Wall Street Journal, "SMAs beat funds in 2008"
  2. New York Times, “Markets & Investing: Full-Service Brokers Are In Demand "
  3. Citywire Financial Publishers, “Citywire Praemium Guide to Separately Managed Accounts"[permanent dead link]
  4. "Registered Rep, SMAs on the rise". Archived from the original on 2008-12-01. Retrieved 2009-03-29.
  5. ProtonYields PAYING!