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Sitelen sitelen

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Sitelen Sitelen (also known as Sitelen Suwi) is a project by Jonathan Gabel started in 2012, with which he created a non-linear form of writing inspired by the Mayan script for Toki Pona, a constructed language (or conlang) made by Sonja Lang.

Sitelen Sitelen (drawing writing) is the third least common form of writing in Toki Pona: it creates sentences by putting together different drawings that indicate Toki Pona words. Each word in Toki Pona has a sitelen sitelen form[1].

Example of Sitelen Sitelen writing in Toki Pona


[change | change source]
  1. "List of Toki Pona words", Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 2024-07-04, retrieved 2024-08-26