Mention racist developments?
[change source]Just a quick question: In the 1920s, and 1930s, there were many racist ideolgies. Some of these took the idea to refer to their own people (eg. the Nazis with the Aryan race); there the term Untermensch was coined to refer to all those people seen as inferior in their ideology.In my opinion, we should make it clear, that 'Übermensch' is a concept from philosophy, which many philosophers commonly used, and which doesn't have any racist connotation. Other references, Glaukos at Ovid's Metamorphoses (Book 7, 219; Book 13, 898 - 14, 74); Heinrich Müller, Geistliche Erquickungsstunden; Johann Gottfried Herder; Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust I; Fyodor Dostojevski, Crime and Punishment; Theodor Fontane, Der Stechlin. In short: there's more than enough material to treat this from a POV of philosophy (and perhaps literature), and ther's no need to resort to a few authors who used it to favor or push an ideology to support racist ideas. --Eptalon (talk) 10:21, 8 May 2021 (UTC)