Double S
[change source]Far as I know, "Odessa" is the usual spelling. Does anyone disagree? Jim.henderson (talk) 18:22, 24 April 2017 (UTC)/
- SS-version is the old russian-based name. Ukrainian law has an official latin transliteration of Ukrainian names - 'Odesa' spelling is absolutely indentical to UNGEGN recommendations - Also 'Odesa' is used by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine -, USA Embassy -, periodically in the British official sources -
- Given this it's no sense of the artificial name multifications. For example, it's no Polish 'Lwów', no russian 'Lvov', no German 'Lemberg' in the modern English, just official Ukrainian 'Lviv', because existence of several versions just causes problems and misunderstandings, inclusive of legal issues. Of course, SS-version should be marked on the page because of soviet times sources and still used outdated tradition. The official version 'Odesa' certainly should be used as main here. – Skoropadsjkyj (talk) 12:03, 16 June 2017 (UTC)
The argument seems reasonable but here in Simple we have few editors who are very familiar with this particular small part of English. In English Wikipedia more expertise is available, so I suggest offering the argument in that version. Jim.henderson (talk) 01:06, 21 June 2017 (UTC)