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From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

is this article REALLY written in SIMPLE English?

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An example: "The revised definition would seem to imply that the ideal atomic clock would contain a single caesium atom at rest emitting a single frequency." Revised definition? Seem to imply? Atom at rest? "it had become recognized that the Earth's rotation on its own axis was not sufficiently uniform". "determined the relationship between the hyperfine transition frequency of the caesium atom and the ephemeris second" Even as an person of high intelligence, I don't even understand that last sentence without doing further digging. IMO This article needs a LOT of work to be considered "Simple English" (talk) 20:38, 6 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Hello there, and welcome ot this wikipedia. One of the things that makes writing here interesting is that Simple English wasn't made for scientifically accurate articles. So when wruiting about science, you need to find a decent balace between simple language, and being scientifically accurate. Note that, anyone can edit almost any page. I therefore invite you to make this article better, for example by using simpler language, while keeping scientific accuracy....--Eptalon (talk) 20:51, 6 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]