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Talk:Turkish Van

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(cur | last) 01:35, 27 September 2014‎ Fylbecatulous (talk | changes)‎ . . (117 bytes) (+85)‎ . . (Undid revision 415647 by ONaNcle (talk) undo unexplained redirect in 2007 by questionable editor) (undo | thank)

Neither did you explain why create an empty article only to pretend me being questionable. ONaNcle (talk) 12:03, 11 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]

This is not an empty article. Chenzw  Talk  12:34, 11 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]
it remains easy to check it was empty when Fylbecatulous took his decision against me .../...
(cur | last) 15:02, 3 October 2014‎ Fylbecatulous (talk | changes)‎ . . (204 bytes) (+87)‎ . . (add standard opening sentence. Add image from Commons) (undo | thank)
.../... ONaNcle (talk) 10:11, 22 May 2017 (UTC)[reply]