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Te Atua o Tokelau

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Te Atua o Tokelau
English: The God of Tokelau

National anthem of Tokelau
MusicFalani Kalolo
Audio sample
Te Atua o Tokelau

"Te Atua o Tokelau" (Tokelauan pronunciation: [te a.tu.a o to.ke.la.u]; "The God of Tokelau") is the anthem of Tokelau. The lyrics author is unknown, the music was composed by Falani Kalolo. Anthem was adopted in 2008.[1]

Typically, after the anthem is played, the phrase "Hoa, he hoa lava!" ([ho.a he ho.a la.va]) is spoken.

Tokelauan original IPA transcription English translation

Te Atua o Tokelau
Te Atua o nuku, te Atua o Tokelau.

Fakamanuia mai ia Tokelau
Puipui tauhi mai ko ito filemu.

Toku fenua, tau aganuku
Tau fuka ke agiagia
Lototahi, tumau hi to fakavae
Tokelau mo te Atua
Te Atua o Tokelau.


[te a.tu.a o to.ke.la.u]
[te a.tu.a o nu.ku te a.tu.a o to.ke.la.u]

[fa.ka.ma.nu.i.a ma.i i.a to.ke.la.u]
[pu.i.pu.i ta.u.hi mai̯ ko i.to fi.le.mu]

[to.ku fe.nu.a tau̯ a.ŋa.nu.ku]
[ta.u fu.ka ke a.ŋi.a.ŋi.a]
[lo.to.ta.hi tu.ma.u hi to fa.ka.va.e]
[to.ke.la.u mo te a.tu.a]
[te a.tu.a o to.ke.la.u]


The God of Tokelau
The God of villages, the God of Tokelau.

Do bless Tokelau
Carefully tend the peaceful ito.

My land, your custom
Your flag that’s waving
Of one mind, stand firm as a foundation
Tokelau for the God
The God of Tokelau.



[change | change source]
  1. "Tokelau | World Factbook". relief central. Retrieved 2023-07-04.