The Exorcist (movie)
The Exorcist is a 1973 American supernatural horror movie directed by William Friedkin. It is based on the 1971 book by William Peter Blatty and is also based on the true events by 1949 exorcism case of Ronald Doe. It stars Max von Sydow, Ellen Burstyn and Linda Blair with William O'Malley. It was released to positive reviews on December 26, 1973. The film is rated R.
In 2010, the Library of Congress selected The Exorcist into the United States National Film Registry.
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[change | change source]Categories:
- 1973 horror movies
- 1970s supernatural movies
- American horror movies
- American supernatural movies
- Religious horror movies
- 1970s English-language movies
- Movies based on books
- Movies about exorcism
- Warner Bros. movies
- Movies directed by William Friedkin
- Movies about children
- Golden Globe Award winning movies
- Movies about demons
- Movies about Catholicism
- Movies about Christianity
- Telekinesis in movies
- Academy Award winning movies
- 1970s American drama movies
- 1973 drama movies
- United States National Film Registry movies