The Fairly OddParents (franchise)
The Fairly OddParents is a media franchise created by Butch Hartman for Nickelodeon. It officially began as a series, in 2001 originated from the shorts on Oh Yeah! Cartoons from 1998. As a result of the series, by-products were launched, including video games, theme park attractions, figurines, and toys.
[change | change source]- The Fairly OddParents (1998-2000, 2001-2017)
- The Fairly OddParents: Fairly Odder (2022)
- The Fairly OddParents: A New Wish (2024-present)
[change | change source]- The Fairly OddParents: Abra-Catastrophe (2003)
- The Jimmy Timmy Power Hour (2004)
- Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 2: When Nerds Collide (2006)
- Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 3: The Jerkinators (2006)
- A Fairly Odd Movie: Grow Up Timmy Turner (2011)
- A Fairly Odd Christmas (2012)
- A Fairly Odd Summer (2014)
- Untitled The Fairly OddParents streaming film (TBA)
Video Games
[change | change source]- Enter the Cleft (2002)
- Breakin' Da Rules (2003)
- Shadow Showdown (2004)
- Clash with the Anti-World (2006)
- Untitled The Fairly OddParents video game (TBA)