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Turkana County

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Flag of Turkana County
Turkana County on a map
Quick facts about Turkana County
Area Population Population density Country Capital
77,000 sqkm About 1 million 13 people/ sqkm Kenya, Africa Lodwar

Turkana County is a Kenyan County found in the Northwestern part of the nation. Its surface area is about 77,000 square kilometers,[1] or 29729 square miles. It's population is about 1,000,000. It has an average of 13 people per square km. This makes it the largest county in Kenya. Some of the largest cities found here are Lodwar, Kakuma, Lokichogio, and Lokichar.[1] Link needed.

In most ways, the Turkanan economy depends on farming 'sorghum'.[2] Sorghum is some kind of food, almost like wild, native cereal. Other important businesses include livestock, crop farming, fishing, weaving, and tourism. [2]

In prehistoric times, huntergathers from Sudan decided to live by Lake Turkana. (Those huntergathers came from Ethiopia. The first humans came from that country). They found it just east of what is now Turkana. Some battles using simple fighting tools took place there. These are such as clubs and arrows. One important battle is the second known battle in the world, Nataruk. These fights were mostly fought over natural resources near Lake Turkana. And ever since then, as communities and geopolitics of today's world shapes the way of living there.

Nature tours are maybe the best things to do in Turkana County. Here's a list of places that takes a large part in the touring industry in Turkana.


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  1. 1.0 1.1 Republik, FGR / Freie Gestalterische (2014-03-03). "Facts & Figures". TURKANA. Retrieved 2024-02-20.
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Turkana County | County Trak Kenya". Archived from the original on 2021-08-14. Retrieved 2024-02-20.