Hello! This page is specially created as a template. Because of that, if you were looking for a page to add free information and knowledge to, you've probably gone to the wrong page and I'd like to kindly please ask you not to add it here. :) But you can check this list out if you were. I'm sorry for creating a silly page, but you know how my roses are buried under the snow, frozen, on these kind of cold winter days. No, really, I just can't get them to bloom at a weather like this! So this is an emergency snack for my dear editors - those sweethearts I gaze at lovingly every day on new changes. Fight on, brave knights! Time flies, and thus roses may wilt, but our project will remain, sweet and simple, forever! ♥ingly, Bella tête-à-tête
Belinda has given you some Hot chocolate with plump marshmallows and foamy cream! ♥ Drink it up! |