You can read about Poplar Forest at the link above. It is a very cool place. My article was deleted within three minutes by someone named User:Chenzw because it did not show notability. I had started my article and I hit save because I really had to go to the bathroom very very badly. I was going potty as fast as I could and I rushed back to finish my article!
When I came back I was sorry I had had so much cherry soda today because my article was all gone. That made me very very sad. It is sad when you write an article and then someone gets rid of it in one minute flat and it made me cry. A lot.
I then wrote to Mr User:Chenzw about my article and gave Mr User:Chenzw a link to the site about Poplar Forest and Mr. User:Chenzw deleted my talk page comment to him and did not respond to me.
I guess Mr. User:Chenzw does not like Thomas Jefferson and the places he lived. I see that there is no article here about Monticello either. Maybe there used to be one and maybe Mr. User:Chenzw deleted it!
Mr. Runningblader does not want you to know about Thomas Jefferson's home in Lynchburg Virginia and has asked me to remove the link to the website for that historic site. So I have removed that educational site.
Please use my talkpage to write to me, and please do not edit my userpage, as this is not polite in the wikiworld.
[change | change source]UPDATE
[change | change source]I now see that the article Poplar Forest, which I started so recently, and which was summarily deleted has now been started again, by another editor. There is no joy for me in seeing my work wiped out by an administrator and then seeing a different editor take my idea and create the article and get all the credit.
I am sad.
Articles I Made
[change | change source]Message
[change | change source]User:Chenzw is an adminstator if you have anything to say please inform me or Wikiproject Anti-Vandlism about your problem we will inform everyone that artical is not vandlism. If it turns out to be vandlism we will have it deleted.
Cheers,Runningblader,In Anti-Vandlism Project 03:48, 27 May 2008 (UTC)