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User:CactiStaccingCrane/Unofficial requirement for very good articles

From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Requirements Good article Very good article
Notability The article must be about a subject that belongs in Wikipedia.
Comprehensive The article must be fairly complete. The article must be comprehensive.
The article should be a few kilobytes long. The text should be several kilobytes long.
Collaboration The article must have gone through a few revisions, possibly by different editors.
Linking The article must be filed in the appropriate category. It must have at least one interwiki link.
All important terms should be linked and there must not be many red links left. All important terms should be linked and there must be no red links left.
Quality The last few revisions should be minor changes (like spell-checking or link-fixing)
There must be no templates pointing to the fact that the article needs improvement.
Media If there are any illustrations, they must be related to the article. They must also be properly labelled.
Citing Content that is from books, journal articles or other publications needs to be referenced.

We all know the requirements. These requirements have been created a very long time ago, and they have been expanded over time, unofficially. This supplement would show some of them, as well as how to make the proposal article good. Most importantly, however, you will gain insight to the proposal process.

Unofficial requirements for good and very good articles[change | change source]

How to make an article good[change | change source]

How to make an article 20 years later good[change | change source]