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Bon dia/Adieu/Hello

Welcome to my user page. I won't edit here as Capsot. I am currently Amical Wikimedia's Treasurer and I will be editing here just because of my function. I am also glad to have recovered my right to vote, thank you Billinghurst!

Blurred remnants of the past

Welcome to Capsot's page![1] Just in case you might come to this page because I am a candidate for the Board of Trustees, also check my discussion page which contains diverse data like my more than 35.000 edits (to prove you I am still an editor unlike some other candidates...) because it was the only page I could edit in Meta until the elections... and it will be the same after the elections because I am bound to be blocked here so the truth won't spread too much...

About my block

Many people seem to have very hasty judgments (he has a red flag so he is a commie... whoops sorry I meant "he is bad"; "he is a sockpuppeteer", "a libellous person", "he discloses private mails" and so on... among other mischievous, evil deeds) but well they do not seem willing to really understand what happened. I guess they would never have voted for Nelson Mandela (just in case: he spent some time in jail before being elected) or they probably would put Julian Assange behind the bars... but well that is their choice... I bet you would like to know more... Reaching a definitive opinion should come at the end of an investigation process that unfortunately hardly happens here...

The short version

After revealing the dark secret that the Corporation did not want to become public and that was erased at once, Capsot suffered the wrath of the lesser Gods and, like Prometheus, was chained to a Red Flag and kept away, silenced forever, from the rest of the communities. A member of the Corporation had discretely asked one of his followers to take care of the poor bird who was chased and captured a short time after by wizardry accusing him of being libellous. Some other godlike creatures intervened but to no avail:

"1.If the content of an email can be considered potentially libelous, the responsability lies on the writer of the email, not on the the reproducer (like Julian Assange).
2.A disclaimer in an email has no legal effect, being it unilateral and written at the end of the mail, after the main text.-- 18:04, 24 March 2011 (UTC)"

To which the wizard replied:

"Sorry but per Austrian law, where I´m located, there is a law which prohibits providing of correspondence without permission of both sides (and disclaimer clearly confirms that there is no permission). I´m not a OS here on meta, so I just provided the information to meta OS who decided to oversight. Feel free to contact him."

The accusation of being libellous was however maintained even if the charge seemed to be another but no tribunal would ever decide over the final fate of the winged messenger... Capsot was bound to stay locked forever unjudged...
But when he saw the feathered speaker of truth ensnared and blocked, glorious Sj said to the Wizard (Book of Samuel, 4 : 2):

"That comment states the lock rather than explaining it. We don't usually use locks to resolve social disputes or sockpuppetry among established users - unless this was meant to set a precedent. Was there a discussion about it here on Meta? –SJ talk 01:17, 2 April 2011 (UTC)"

His words echoed in the void for a while and met no answer... But a veil of oblivion was then cast on Sj and he thus forgot his query and went back to other more pressing matters...

However previously the fair knight Sj had already intervened in a fierce feud in order to free Capsot who had been blocked and could not enter the realms of Wikipedia anymore. He confronted then the greatest Mathematician of the universe and defeated him with his magic use of wise words (Book of Samuel, 4 : 2):

"I am conflicted, since I am working on trademark issues (noted above) that among other things led to this outburst. But I would ask another steward to review, if you don't mind. I am generally concerned by instruction creep leading to overuse of locking. Regards"

More accurate information here: [2] and here: [3]

The long version (exclusive never before published details about the birth of Capsot...)

Legend has it (Book of Winged Creatures, 20.3 : 75) that once upon a time the great Shamash, worried by the fact that his light could not reach the most remote places, decided to create a messenger with gilded feathers so he could cast light even in the darkest recesses of the shadows...

And the restless bird said (Book of Marine Creatures, 3 : 22): "there shall not be Conflicts of Interests"

And while he was fighting alone and unarmed against the dark lurid wraiths that meant to impose their rule on the entire universe, as the nightingale, Capsot began singing his song of justice. From his frail beak a few notes raised and cast a diminute, but constantly growing, beam of light. And then the restless bird said: "There shall not be Conflicts of Interests" in this world. And shortly afterward "No members of a same family, brothers or sisters, fathers and sons, or husband and wife should ever belong to related governing structures for the sake of mankind". But too thick was the darkness and too thin and feeble this ray of hope that seemed to be lost forever... Albeit, when not expected, a tiny figment of light reappeared some day, and thereafter some valiant sons of the human race raised their torches to get rid of some parts of the umbra. The ire of the lesser Gods grew uncontrollable as soon as they heard the words "Conflict of Interest" (words which are so politically incorrect in the Olympus...), storms teared the skies and lightning bolts shattered the earth and obliterated at once the ancient scriptures engraved in the rocks which were supposed to be the divine reply to Capsot's words and at the same time the track of his annoying deeds. They could not tolerate any longer this questioning coming from inferior beings, so they ordered the mortal to be brought before them and tried, as calmly as they could in order not to seem too authoritarian, to demand some explanations for the use of this forbidden wording.


I resigned today (March 21st 2011) from Amical's Board and from this Association. I am leaving a golden cage which kept me from voicing my concerns and criticism aloud and now I am free to do so! Capsot 18:34, 21 March 2011 (UTC)

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