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In Cedar Class this term we have been learning all about the Ancient Greeks. In art we created vases, in English we have studied different myths, including about King Midas and his golden touch and Theseus and the Minotaur, and in history we have researched all about different Gods, Goddesses and Heroes. In Computing we have created this webpage to tell you all about the Olympics and the Greeks, read on to find out more!

This is the Wiki Page for Cedar Class to produce information about the Ancient Greeks.We each had to write 100 words using Microsoft Word with our partner. We also used the internet to research different facts as well as using our own brains!

Ancient Greek Olympics!

The ancient Greek Olympics were started over two thousand years ago!

The Greek Olympic Games (MM DW AS)

There was a variety of games in the Ancient Greek Games over 2000 years ago and they did it NAKED!

Boxing - In boxing over 2000 years ago it was different to today . Boxing over 2000 years ago was naked men with hand wraps but today we wear boxing gloves. Today in boxing everyone were for the people who was taking part.In boxing can kill you.

The Olympic events [FR RM]

The famous wrestler Milo was said to train by carrying a calf every day. As the calf grew heavier the muscles got stronger.

There was Javelin, Discus, Hoplites Shields

Only men boys and unmarried women girls were allowed to attend the Olympic Games.

Unmarried women had their own festival every 4 years.

Greek women did not go in for sport unless they were Spartans.

Winners were given wreath of leaves and a hero welcome back HOME.

In one race the runners wore Armour and not much to were Ancient Greek theaters were often built on the side of the hill the largest theater held 12,000 people.

Who competed in the Olympic games? [ZM ZW]

In one race the runners wore Armour and not much else! Athletes who won at the games became hero’s in their own city . The main events were running , wrestling ,boxing and chariot racing. Married women caught sneaking in were punished. Married women were not allowed into the Olympic games . The running track was much wider than a modern one. Twenty people could run at once. The Greeks held the first Olympic games about 2,800 years ago. The Ancient Greeks lived in Greece over 2,500 years ago. The games were part of a religious festival. The Olympic games began over 2,700 years ago in Olympia in southwest Greece

Where were the Greek Olympic games? [HP AH]

The Greece love the old Olympics games. The first Olympic game are usually given the start year of 776 BCE. The Greece Olympics games were made over 3,000 years ago. Today the Olympic games are based on what took place at Olympic. In fact Olympics where created on honor of ancient Greece’s most famous god Zeus. The Greece Empire was most powerful between 2000 BC and 146 BC. The ancient Greece’s developed new idea for government ,science, philosophy religion , and art. Ancient Greece’s was split into many different states, each one was ruled in its own way. Each state had its own laws.

A Statue of the King of the Gods, Zeus, in Greece. (Mr Smith)

Ancient Greek Gods!

In Cedar class we have researched the ancient Greek Gods.There was a god called ZEUS who was the king of all gods (Mr Smith)

The story of Athena [RH AA]

Athena is the goddess of wisdom and war

She was born in a strange way she came out of her fathers HEAD! With clothes on just like she was going to war. She was one o f 12 council who held a power. Her roman name was Minerva. Her mums name is Hera she is the god of birth children marriage and her father was Zeus the god of heavens and earth. Zeus was once married to Metis daughter of the Ocean.Athena had very powerful powers. People begged of wisdom and war She came out as a adult and she loves war.

How Zeus became king [CC BK]

Zeus was known as Jupiter to the Romans. Zeus was the most powerful he had a number of powers. Zeus was the sixth child of the Titan gods Cronus and Rhea. Zeus’ father Cronus was worried that his children would become too powerful, so he ate his first five children.

All about Hades [CG OT]

Did you know Hades, Poseidon and Zeus, the god of all gods, were brothers? Hades was a dark god of the Underworld. Unlike his two brothers, Zeus and Poseidon both of them were full of life, Hades was a gloomy fellow. He lived on a high Mount Olympus but he was rarely there because he was so busy. In case you didn’t know Hades is the lord of DEATH! He did not decide who lived and who died. The Elysian Fields for example, was the place heroes were sent after they died. For a long time he did not have a wife but he did have a loving companion. Hades owned a three headed dog to scare of people from coming in. His parents were Cronus and Reah . He even had a roman name witch is Pluto .His chariot used to belong to a god named Helius.

The God Hades [DZ JC]

He is the god of the underworld. Hades is Zeus’s brother. The god is known for his powers of the underworld. Hades was the son of c Cronus and the king and queen of the titans. After being born Hades was swallowed by his farther Cronus to prevent a prophecy that a son would someday overthrow him. Hades was eventually saved by his younger brother Zeus. Hades roman name was Pluto. NEVER go against this tough god or you die by his three headed dog Cerberus! Hades children are called Melieno, Maciaria,and Zagreus.

The Three Gods [RC ZC]

Hades –Hades is the god of underworld ,in fact his got a three –headed dog called Cerberus.Hades is the BOSS of the underworld ,Cerberus is protecting his own deathness. He has strong ,muscular arms ,although he has good eye sight.

The Greek Gods! [KW EC]


Did you know that Zeus was named after Jupiter? He could also shape shift into anybody he wants to. He also had powers of being king of all gods. He can also give others gods jobs and titles. He can throw his lightning bolts at anybody . One myth about Zeus is called Zeus and Pandora.


Did you know that Poseidon`s roman name is Neptune? Poseidon is the lord of the sea. People who lived on land were not worried about Poseidon but the Greeks were terrified of him .


Did you know that Athena’s roman name is Minerva? Athena was born in Zeus brain and she was Zeus favourite child.