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User:Immanuelle/Sugu-Okamoto Site

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Immanuelle/Sugu-Okamoto Site is a ruins in Japan[1] located in Fukuoka which is notable for its links to the Nakoku state.[1]

In Japan, the earliest known excavation of an inscribed mirror is thought to be from the Sanyumo Minamikoji Ruins [ja], which dates to the mid to late Yayoi Period. The variant Chinese inscribed banded mirror excavated here is large, as are the other accompanying Chinese mirrors, and it is assumed to have been acquired specially. More than 20 inscribed mirrors were excavated at Suku Okamoto Ruins [ja] D, and 10 inscribed mirrors were excavated at the Tateiwa Ruins[2]


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  1. 1.0 1.1 "Sugu". archaeology.jp. Retrieved 2023-10-21.
  2. 西川寿勝 2000, p. 32-36.


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  • 樋口隆康 (1979). 古鏡. 新潮社.
  • 南健太郎 (2019). 東アジアの銅鏡と弥生社会. 同成社. ISBN 978-4-88621-819-3.
  • 洛陽区考古発掘隊; 中国科学院考古研究所 (1959). 洛陽焼溝漢墓. 科学出版社.
  • 岡村秀典 (1984). "前漢鏡の編年と様式". 史林. 67–5. 史学研究会.
  • 西川寿勝 (2000). "2000年前の舶載鏡--異体字銘帯鏡と弥生の王". 日本考古学. 10号. 日本考古学協会.