Hey, there's not enough articles on computers, and there just so happens to be a lot of people that know about computers. It would be neat if there were more articles, so I've created this page to guide people in the right direction. Is it possible to make all these different topics simple? Probably not, but it's worth a shot anyways.
Here's a great tool for simplifying your writing:
Needed Pages or Edits
[change | change source]In no particular order, and mostly from Category:Computer science. Throw a dart at your computer monitor and pick one
Computer Networking: User:Notfruit/Computing/Computer_Networking
Programming languages: User:Notfruit/Computing/Programming_Languages
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
[change | change source]- Artificial intelligence could use a bit more detail?
- Machine Learning
- Genetic Algorithm needs some simplification
- Neural network needs to be simplified
- Evolution strategy needs cleanup
- Bayesian network uses too many smart people words
- Evolutionary algorithm is way too short
- Expert system could be longer
- Fuzzy logic needs more info
- Supervised learning needs to be longer
- Unsupervised learning doesn't exist yet
- Semi-supervised Learning
- Swarm intelligence needs more info
- Feature learning
- Statistical classification
- Cluster analysis
- Anomaly Detection
- Association rule learning
- Reinforcement learning
- Structured prediction
- Feature engineering
- Online machine learning
- Grammar induction
- Decision tree learning
- Ensemble learning
- Bootstrap aggregating
- Boosting (machine learning)
- K-nearest neighbors algorithm
- Naive bayes classifier
- Perceptron
- Relevance vector machine
- Support vector machine
- Hierarchical clustering
- K-means clustering
- Expectation-maximization algorithm
- OPTICS algorithm
- Mean-shift
- Dimensionality reduction
- Factor analysis
- Canonical correlation analysis
- Independent component analysis
- Linear discriminant analysis
- Non-negative matrix factorization
- Principal component analysis
- T-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding
- Structured prediction
- Conditional random field
- Hidden markov model
- Local outlier factor
- Autoencoder
- Deep learning
- Multilayer perceptron
- Recurrent neural network
- Restricted Boltzmann machine
- Self-organizing map
- Convolutional neural network
- Bias-variance dilemma
- Computational learning theory
- Empirical risk minimization
- Occam learning
- Probably approximately correct learning
- Data mining could be longer
- Pattern recognition deserves its own article apart from Recognition
- Classification tree
- Statistical learning theory
- Vapnik-Chervonenkis theory
- Natural language processing needs to be longer
- Hilbert's program
- Knowledge representation and reasoning
- Semantic network
- Non-monotonic logic
- Automated reasoning
- Default reasoning
- Qualification problem
- Commonsense knowledge (artificial intelligence)
- Situated artificial intelligence
- Computational intelligence
- Statistical artificial intelligence
- Decision theory could be longer
- Computational learning theory
- Facial recognition
- Speech recognition needs more info
- Computer vision needs more info
[change | change source]- Insertion sort
- Sorting algorithm
- Selection sort
- Merge sort
- Heapsort
- Quicksort
- Bubble sort needs an example in a "simple" language
- Shell sort
- Comb sort
- Counting sort
- Bucket sort
- Radix sort
- Algorithm needs to be redone
Other Terms
[change | change source]- Computational complexity should redirect to Computational complexity theory
- Computational complexity theory and Complexity theory need to be merged
- Big O notation needs simplifying
- Church-Turing thesis needs more info
- Benchmark
- Cisco
- File allocation table
- Extended file system
- Ext2
- Ext3
- Ext4