User talk:Eptalon/Archive 6
[change source]With our edits in the past few minutes, Simple English Wikipedia has more detailed (and referenced) information about Emmental and Emmental Cheese than English Wikipedia, I believe. Some times, a subject suddenly becomes of our interest! Just wanted to send you a "thank you". - Huji reply 21:11, 4 October 2007 (UTC)
- Regarding the info you brought from Fr WP, it'd be a good idea to cite the sources they cite, if any. - Huji reply 21:39, 4 October 2007 (UTC)
[change source]I expanded Endorphin as far as I could at the moment. I cited one of the references I found. I'll add more to it later, if I don't forget. I think it is a good candidate for a future VGA too, so please spend some time with it. Cheers, - Huji reply 20:51, 5 October 2007 (UTC)
- I replied on my talk page. - Huji reply 21:08, 5 October 2007 (UTC)
[change source]Hi, Eptalon,
I granted you checkuser access per this request made on metawiki. Please read carefully the m:Checkuser policy and m:Privacy policy before making any check. Please subscribe yourself to checkuser-l by emailing checkuser-l-owner att wikipedia dott org with your username and email address. You may contact an op for access to #wikimedia-checkuser on freenode IRC. Please contact me or any other current checkuser if something is not clear. Effeietsanders 08:05, 6 October 2007 (UTC)
- Congratulations!--Werdan7T @ 14:57, 6 October 2007 (UTC)
- Good luck with your extra tools. Peace;))) --§ Snake311 (T + C) 00:49, 7 October 2007 (UTC)
[change source]Being qualified in Arabic is something (and no, I'm not qualified either, I just know more than you) and knowing the official name of cities is something else. I'm not sure if the city should be named Najaf or An Najaf. Two things should be taken into account: How it is named locally (by Iraqis) and what name is more used (or officially used) in English. I think for the second, Najaf is the answer. But for the first, I'm not sure. - Huji reply 20:02, 11 October 2007 (UTC)
- Hello, German media refer to the city as "Najaf" (or transliteration of that into German), so do French Media. If you look at the map (probably CIA World Factbook), it says An Najaf. I am not an Arabic speaker, but I dont know how Al Najaf would have survived, without being alliterated to An...
- For my part, I would go with the official name of the city in the local Arabic dialect, and redirect the An Najaf/Al Najaf.. to it.
- These are of course just my thoughts, you are probably much better qualified to make that decision. --Eptalon 20:10, 11 October 2007 (UTC)
- Well, Arabic Wikipedia (and Arabic media) refer to it as "Madinaton-Najaf", which is the way they prnounce "Madian An-Najaf" together. Madina means city, and only a few cities have "Madina" in their name. Most of them, like "Baghdad", don't have "Madina" or "Al" prefix. ("An" is the same as "Al"; there is a rule in Arabic that "Al" is changed to "A?" where ? is the first letter of the next word, if it pronounces as "Y", "R", "M", "L", "N" or "W"/"V").
- All in all, and having that CIA World Factbook part in mind, I think we should have "Najaf" refer to "An Najaf", and keep the content under the latter title. Cheers, - Huji reply 20:16, 11 October 2007 (UTC)
- PS:About my messages, please reply on your own talk page, to keep all the discussion on the same page.
- Do I read this correctly as: Article under An Najaf, and Najaf redirecting to An Najaf? - also, do you do the move or shall I? --Eptalon 20:19, 11 October 2007 (UTC)
- Yes, that's what I meant. And, I'll sit and watch you doing the move. :) - Huji reply 20:20, 11 October 2007 (UTC)
- Thank you :) - Huji reply 20:22, 11 October 2007 (UTC)
- Yes, that's what I meant. And, I'll sit and watch you doing the move. :) - Huji reply 20:20, 11 October 2007 (UTC)
- Do I read this correctly as: Article under An Najaf, and Najaf redirecting to An Najaf? - also, do you do the move or shall I? --Eptalon 20:19, 11 October 2007 (UTC)
[change source]Okay, I noticed you doing that so, I'll leave them out. Oysterguitarist 18:57, 13 October 2007 (UTC)
I Invite you to please help contribute to this entry. I really need to know a lot about this decade before Saturday week, and besides, EN has a great entry on this decade. -- Spiderpig0001 Does whatever a spiderpig does! 20:29, 15 October 2007 (UTC)
[change source]Hallo,
ich frage das einfach mal schnell auf deutsch: gibt es hier eine Vorlage, mit denen man Artikel markieren kann, die auf die Richtigkeit ihres Englisch kontrolliert werden sollten? Das fände ich ganz geschickt. Die zweite - in der englischen Wikipedia haben viele Personen Kästen mit den ganzen Daten. Gibt es hier so etwas auch? Viele Grüße, Vader 13:36, 3 November 2007 (UTC)
- Ja, auch hallo :). Also, mir fallen da die templates {{cleanup}} und {{complex}} ein. Complex brauch' ich, wenn mir das English zu schwierig erscheint; cleanup brauch ich, wenn ich das Gefühl habe, der Artikel müsse neu gegliedert, oder neu geschrieben werden. Bezüglich der "Kästen mit bioinfos drin", es gibt diverse Infoboxes, zb. Infobox_Pope (z.B. Pope John Paul II) oder Infobox_President (z.b. Bill Clinton, oder Hugo Chávez). Wenn es das spezifische Template, das du brauchst nicht geben sollte, kannst du es einfach von der EnWP kopieren. --Eptalon 13:55, 3 November 2007 (UTC)
(For the English speaking crowd: Question about the existence of a template to mark articles with bad (as in incorrect) English (Answer: complex, cleanup); Question about existence of Templates which ceate frames with shot biographical info about people (Answer: Infobox_Pope, Infobox_President, possibly others; copy from EnWP if needed; with edxamples where they are used) --Eptalon 13:55, 3 November 2007 (UTC)
- Vielen Dank für die rasche Antwort :-). Vader 14:07, 3 November 2007 (UTC)
- Ja, ich werde da auf jeden Fall recherchieren, sicher kann ich den Artikel über kreisfreie Städte erweitern. Es wäre dann gut, wenn du den fertigen Artikel auf Fehler kontrollieren könntest, ich sage dann Bescheid, wenn ich fertig bin (nicht vor Mittwoch, frühestens am Dienstag kann ich anfangen). Gruß, Vader 12:12, 4 November 2007 (UTC)
- Zu deinem zweiten Punkt (Stadt (warsch. Großstadt) welche nur einen Teil der Verwaltung (einer Kreisfreien Stadt) selber macht) habe ich nichts gefunden, Göttingen und Recklinghausen aber als nicht-kreisfreie Großstädte ergänzt. Grüße, Vader 16:28, 6 November 2007 (UTC)
CU request
[change source]Could you run a checkuser on Sinbad and compare it with IP Comments on multiple talk pages of articles I tagged for RfD tend to show that they (he) is using both identities to support a single opinion on the RfD. As I am the one who tagged them (and am accused of Bad faith in doing so), an impartial check would be better than doing it myself. -- Creol(talk) 15:30, 8 November 2007 (UTC)
- Did the checkuser, you got a mail from me, Creol. - As to the results, CU policy says they should not be posted here. --Eptalon 16:25, 8 November 2007 (UTC)
[change source]Just a heads up on this IP. This IP and 2 others from a single area on the same ISP (Bell South - dynamic ISP, 216.76.248. 58, .111, and .131 - apparently Pensacola, Florida (.pns.) ) are all most likely the same person vandalizing Sandy Robson (and Chiana .. something) yesterday and today. So far this is the 4th block on the group (IP1: 3 hours, 1 day IP2: 1 day IP3: 3 hours). I checked and the edits to these articles are the only edits from that range. We may have to resort to either protecting the articles or a range block if this keeps up. -- Creol(talk) 19:42, 12 November 2007 (UTC)
Range blocking is probably the best option if they continue to be a nuisance. Since they are the only person on that range there is little threat of impacting other users. Letting them create accounts would allow the option for them to contribute creatively although if the "link every letter" vandalism continues we may have to remove that option as well at least as a temporary additional block. (range block for overall vandalism, range/no create block for registered user vandalism) -- Creol(talk) 20:01, 12 November 2007 (UTC)
Sounds like we now have a good plan in place. -- Creol(talk) 20:08, 12 November 2007 (UTC)
Damson taxobox
[change source]Do you know why the taxobox in damson messed up like that? I was able to fix it, using a taxobox from banana (but substituting the info, of course) I'll have to go compare my taxobox with the 'broken' taxobox...--Isis§(talk) 20:29, 12 November 2007 (UTC)
- I had just figured the problem out in my sandbox, then I have a new message from Creol confirming it. :) It was the color, not the braces. --Isis§(talk) 20:41, 12 November 2007 (UTC)
[change source]I was wondering why it went all screwy on my while I was checking color codes on several pages. The en:wp verson uses the regnum (kingdom) attribute to automatically decide what color to use so we no longer need to include a color at all so long as we have the regnum listed. {{taxobox colour}} handles the color selection for us and on the off chance that still doesnt work, the template defaults to no color but still works fine. Although, the color option does still works and will over-ride the built in choice if used. -- Creol(talk) 21:30, 12 November 2007 (UTC)
World History
[change source]I'll have to find old notes and brush up on ancient history...but I think I can still help you. :) Probably tomorrow or sometime later this week. It will be top priority (well, top priority in my free time). --Isis§(talk) 22:36, 12 November 2007 (UTC)
- Oh, of course I'll have fun! As soon as I get past the notes in blue ink, old dusty books and torturing myself trying to think of obscure facts off the top of my head, expanding the article is pure bliss! I can't wait, actually. It's been too long since I've worked on World History.
- Any more comments on my talk page won't be seen for another 24+ hours, btw, so don't expect another response anytime soon. --Isis§(talk) 22:57, 12 November 2007 (UTC)
- How long do you think this is going to be when it's "done"? World history is a pretty broad subject, so, I don't know, maybe I should go into less detail? Can you please review what I wrote on Sumer? Because I'm afraid that when I finish the section, it will be way too long. So I guess just tell me if I'm going into too much detail. Please? Thanks, --Isis§(talk) 22:47, 13 November 2007 (UTC)
- The idea behind the article, in my opinion is to give a short overview of the each of the civilisations, and a link to the main article about it, where this civilisation can be elaborated. As to size: I think the section on Ancient Greece is definitely too short, the one on the Mayas is probably too long. I don't know, really. If we look at what we have now, and what is still missing, I think we will end up with 70-80kb in size, once we are done. Or to look at it visually, add the section on Ancient Rome, about 5 times (for the 5 missing civs). As you say it is indeed a broad subject. We should therefore keep in mind that shorter is probably better. As the longer variant, try to visualize 5x the Maya section in that article. So, while doing the extension, create the detailed article about the civ early on, and put the detailed account there. --Eptalon 23:16, 13 November 2007 (UTC)
Template BD
[change source]The problem should be corrected now. I left a reply on it's talk page concerning the fix. There are still a few leftover entries on Cat:Living people sorted under the { but these should clear out the next time the server refreshes it template links. (or just do a nil-change (change page/save changes without any changes) and the template will reset for that page immediately). -- Creol(talk) 19:54, 17 November 2007 (UTC)
Delicious food
[change source]Wow! I noticed you created and worked on Kebab, my delicious food! I'm gonna work on it too :) - Huji reply 16:44, 19 November 2007 (UTC)
[change source]Could you move Hagger? back to United States and delete User:DerHexer's userpage and talkpage.. thanks ..--Cometstyles 10:34, 20 November 2007 (UTC)
- All those move related vandals to be banned indefinitely according to the Stewards Please..its the HAGGER??? vandal who has been terrorizing all 700+ wiki's for the past few weeks..Cheers..
[change source]Chech RFCU. Ionas might have came back. -- Spiderpig0001 Does whatever a spiderpig does! 23:56, 23 November 2007 (UTC)
[change source]Block this one, he just vandalized after his user page said not to, otherwise get banned....-Razorflame 16:54, 27 November 2007 (UTC)
[change source]Sorry about that you statement. That one must've gotten away from me :) -Razorflame 17:49, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
1,000 edits
[change source]Just in case you care:
I have made 1,000 edits here on Simple English Wiki!
- )
-Razorflame 17:05, 3 December 2007 (UTC)
2,000 edits now...(only posted here because I don't know your email address, otherwise I would've sent you an email containing this. -Razorflame (contributions) Talk 17:15, 7 December 2007 (UTC)
[change source]I am still in school, so I do this while I am in school as it is a nice break away from the regular hub-bub of school. If you noticed, I was not on at all yesterday and I was not on very much the day before that. That is going to be how it is for the rest of the school year. -Razorflame 19:41, 3 December 2007 (UTC)
[change source]Hey, I fixed up some typos and grammar stuff on your userpage for you. Hope you don't mind: Razorflame (contributions) Talk 20:36, 14 December 2007 (UTC)
- I don't; thanks for fixing ;) --Eptalon 20:37, 14 December 2007 (UTC)
- I realize that grammar isn't your thing. If you would like, let me know whenever you would like me to fix up some grammar for you :) -Razorflame (contributions) Talk 20:38, 14 December 2007 (UTC)
- No, I am not one of the natives; though most of my problems seem to be typos.I do speak some English though. So try with short sentences and many easy words. ;) --Eptalon 20:41, 14 December 2007 (UTC)
- I realize that grammar isn't your thing. If you would like, let me know whenever you would like me to fix up some grammar for you :) -Razorflame (contributions) Talk 20:38, 14 December 2007 (UTC)
[change source]Thanks for sorting that out. Can I use the opportunity to ask you whether you know why the alignment is funny in the last two lines of the box in Dynamics (music)? I'm not technical.Hikitsurisan 21:51, 14 December 2007 (UTC)
Re:VGA again
[change source]*ahem*,
- 75% support w/ 5 supporting editors for VGAs,
- 65% support w/ 3 supporting editors for GAs,
- Can directly promote VGAs but still requires a 75% support and at least one peer review prior to the nomination,
- Proposal section can last for 2 weeks and voting phase one week (both VGAs and GAs),
- A minimum of a full screen (or 5k bytes) for VGAs,
- 3k bytes for GAs,
- Have one person (either sysop or an active top editor), monitor the entire VGA process and have another do for the GA process,
and have all of my suggestions mentioned just above be killed off by other editors and sysops and leaving me for nothing.
I posted this up on the Wikipedia talk:Proposed very good articles#The road ahead, although no else except Thamusemeantfan read it. --§ Snake311 (T + C) 03:50, 16 December 2007 (UTC)
Please, could you translate this article onto the language of this Wikipedia? Thanks for your help. If you wanna translate your city onto Aragonese, Spanish, Catalonian, Galician o Asturian language, tell it to me, please. --Parolu Esperanto 11:12, 16 December 2007 (UTC)
Done Please proofread, and add images. ;) --Eptalon 12:12, 16 December 2007 (UTC)
RFA thanks
[change source]Thank you for your participation in my RFA which closed successfully with 19 supports and 1 oppose which didn't count since it was made by a sock of a banned user. If you have any comments, concerns, or any suggestions for me as an Administrator, feel free to leave a note on my talkpage. Thank you. Lights talk 13:46, 23 December 2007 (UTC)