Zoning in the United States
In law, particularly that in North America, zoning is the collective term for land use policies. Usually, zoning divides cities and counties into districts where only one property use is allowed, and only at a certain density (units per acre\hectare). In these cases, zoning districts include:
- residential districts: typically only allow dwelling units, although some home-based businesses may be allowed.
- commercial districts: allow businesses and similar organizations to operate stores, restaurants, corporate offices, etc.
- industrial districts: allow manufacturing and similar activities. Here's where you'll find warehouses and factories.
- agricultural residential: these districts often are outside the city limits and allow small scale farming or homesteading.
- agricultural commercial: these districts allow large scale farming to raise crops and or livestock almost exclusively to sell in bulk.
- mixed use: allows two or more uses, usually residential and commercial.
Zoning can also regulate things like the appearance of buildings, in a similar fashion as deed restrictions.